Sabini's Club.

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Tommys POV

"Letty!" I call up to her window as I wait by the car with Arthur and John. A few moments later, her window opens and she leans her head out. "What?" She asks, like we disturbed her. "Are we interrupting something?" Arthur asks, smirking at her. "What do you want?" She asks instead of answering. "Grab your jacket and cap. You're coming to London." I tell her and she nods, closing her window.

I light another cigarette as we wait, making small talk before she steps out of the house, sorting out her cap. "Are you wearing anything under that jacket?" Arthur asks her and she smirks, opening her jacket to reveal she's wearing a short white feather dress. "Well?" She asks and we all nod, taken aback by how sexy she looks. "You look sexy, baby." John tells her and she smirks, climbing into the car as we all follow behind her.


Half way to London, I pull the car over to the side of the road, putting it in park. Arthur, Letty and John look at me in confusion as I get out before they all follow behind me. The three of them look around, taking in the countryside. "I love it. You know Esme was right about one thing. You can't beat the countryside." Arthur says serenely. "You know, I wanna live in the country one day and keep chickens." He tells us.

"Yeah, yeah, Arthur, we'll see you in London." John nags, sharing a look with Letty. I pull a blanket out from the trunk, revealing a dead body. "Oh for fucks sake." John says, his voice muffled from his cigar. "Who the fuck is that?" Letty asks as we look at the body. "Don't worry about that. Listen, we need to bury him." I say as I start pulling shovels out from the car.

"Is that the 'Irish business' you said you were taking care of on your own?" Letty asks me as she gives me a knowing look. "Yes. It was better I dealt with it on my own." I tell her. "This isn't one of the ones mentioned at the Black Loin, is it?" She asks and I say nothing, only hold out a shovel towards her. "Oh, for fucks sake, Tommy." She groans, shaking her head as she sits back inside the car.

"Hey! Get your sexy ass back out here and help us." John tells her and she shakes her head. "Nope. I'm staying in the car." She says simply, lighting a cigarette. "Eh, no, you're not love. You're gonna pick up one of these shovels and start digging with us." I tell her calmly but firmly. "Aww, what a shame. It's lucky your two henchmen are here." She says smirking.

"So you're okay with shooting someone but you're not okay with burying a dead body?" Arthur asks her as we start digging. "Oh, I'm fine with it. I just can't be bothered." Letty tells him. "And why not?" He questions. "My legs are sore." She says and we all stop digging and look at her. She sees us looking and rolls her eyes. "I was walking round all of Small Heath yesterday with Polly." She explains but I don't believe her. When she climbed in the car earlier, I saw a glimpse of a bruise.

"We still going to London, aren't we?" Arthur asks me. "We bury him first then the holiday begins!" I say, looking over at Letty who's in her own world. Once we finish burying the body, I went and sat next to Letty who spares me a glance. "You sure nothing happened last night?" I ask her. "What'd you mean?" She asks and I nod to her legs.

"You said they were sore and I saw the bruise on your leg." I say carefully and she pulls her dress down more. "I have a bruise because I bashed into the kitchen table yesterday." She says quickly and I nod but I still don't believe her. "Arthur! John! Get a move on, we need to go!" She shouts out and they look at with a tired glare making her smirk. "Come on, my boys, hurry up!" She says.

"Oi! We're coming." Arthur says as he throws the shovels into the back. "A Peaky Blinder holiday. What could be better?" Letty says making us all smirk. "Nothing love. Holiday!" I yell. "Holiday!" They all cheer as I set off again, our destination still set on London.

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