Wedding Invitation.

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Scarlett's POV

Two years later.

I walk through the bakery, my black heels clacking against the concrete floor. "Morning boys." I say to the men who are working. "Morning Ms Hayes." They reply, giving me polite smiles as I pass them. "Work hard today, okay?" I tell them firmly and they nod. "Yes, ma'am." They reply in unison and I smirk.

I burst into Alfie's office, without knocking of course, and he doesn't look up, clearly knowing it's me. "Hello, darling." He says as I take as seat in front of his desk. "Hey. Your men are working hard out there." I tell him and he chuckles. "That's because you're here." He says making me snort.

"So, did you enjoy the view this morning?" I ask him and see him grip his pen tighter. Alfie had walked in on me in the bath this morning and let's say, he got an eye full. "Well, you live in my house and use my bathroom so..." he trails off.

I let out a laugh, staring at Alfie in disbelief as I tried to contain my laughter. "What? It's true. I didn't ask you to move in with me so don't blame me if I walk in on you naked from time to time, eh. Yeah." He teases softly, glancing up at me from his work book as I sit in front of him.

"Oh, I don't care if you see me naked. Why would I? I've got a nice body and I'm not ashamed of it. And plus, I liked your cockney accent. Made me want to come back." I say, wiggling my eyebrows at him. I know Alfie has fallen in love with me. It was clear the way he looked at me and how he treats me. He's definitely helped me out this past two years.

I've always been a tough girl but Alfie has definitely toughened me up more. "You too beautiful. Yeah, yeah." Alfie murmurs. The door to Alfie's office flies open and Goliath, Alfie's nephew, smiles nervously as he looks at me. "Goliath, honey, you okay?" I ask him. Me and him have gotten quite close this last year, I help him it with his boxing.

"There's a man here to see you, Letty. Says he's family from Small Heath." Goliath explains, leaning back against the door arch. Alfie stretches his back slowly before standing making me scoff, quickly standing to my own two feet. "Sit down before you bloody hurt yourself, Alfie. I'll deal with it." I tell him firmly.

Alfie begins to ramble in protest but with the death glare I give him, he sinks back into his office chair and nods to Goliath as if to say watch out for me. I step out of Alfie's office, Goliath walking beside me as we walk through the factory together. I know it's not John as he comes to see me every week.

Nearing the front door, I swing it open as I see Arthur turn around, his Peaky cap shielding his eyes a bit. "Hey Scar." He says taking a step forward making Goliath reach for his gun but I grab his arm. "It's okay, Goliath. He won't hurt me." I tell him and he slowly lowers his arm. "Hey Art." I say softly, my eyes not leaving his. "Can I hug you? Or is he gonna go for me again?" Arthur asks.

"You don't have to ask me Arthur." I tell him and a huge grin spreads across his face as he sweeps me off my feet and hugs me tightly. "Oh fuck, have I missed you, Scar." He whispers in my ear. I squeeze back tightly before he puts me back on the ground.

He looks me over and shakes his head. "You've looked so young for years and you leave me for two years and look like a grown woman. Must be the water over here." He says making me chuckle. "Are you trying to say I look old?" I ask him and he quickly shakes his head. "Hell no. I'm saying you've gotten even more beautiful, if that's even possible." He says and I smile softly.

"Not to be rude, but what are you doing here, Arthur?" I ask him and he goes serious. "Are you going to come home? Finn, Isaiah and Michael-" he starts but I cut him off. "I never want to see him again. If I do, I'll cut him." I say through gritted teeth, empathising him. "That's not fair. The rest of us have done nothing wrong. You don't have to come home for him, but come home for the rest of us. Please. I miss my best friend." He begs.

A small cough emits from behind me and I glance over my shoulder to see Alfie who stands hunched over, watching Arthur. Sighing, I turn back to Arthur. "I'm doing okay here. I'm putting myself first instead of doing everything he asks of me." I tell him.

Arthur's eyebrows furrow and he throws his hands angrily into the air, pointing his finger at Alfie who stands against the door. "He's not that much better, Scar. If Tommy knew I was here, and if he knew that John sneaks down to see you every week, we'd be killed. But we need you. I need you, Scar. Please." He begs again.

My eyes fall to the ground as it goes silent, and I weigh my pros and cons. Alfie nods to Arthur. "I think it's time you go now, eh?" He says, walking over to stand beside me. Arthur scoffs at him before he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a white card, handing it to me.

I inspect it and look up at Arthur with my eyebrow raised but he shakes his head. "Please come home, Scar." With that, he turns around and walks away, down the rainy streets of Camden Town. Turning my gaze to Alfie, I glare at him. "Why would you tell him to leave? He's my best friend."

"I don't want you to get hurt again." He responds and I roll my eyes, turning around and walking back into the factory. I walk back into Alfie's office and make myself comfortable in his chair as I rip open the envelope, scanning my eyes over the words. My eyes nearly pop out of my head as I read the sentences.

Wedding invite of Grace Burgess and Thomas Shelby

They are getting married in a church in Small Heath and having a reception in what I presume to be the mansion they now live in with their child. I bite my lip, rubbing my forehead in frustration. Alfie walks into the office, his eyebrows furrowed as he looks down at me.

"I'm guessing by the look on that beautiful face of yours that it wasn't a good letter." He says and without responding, I slide the invitation over to him, across the desk. He picks it up and begins to scan it, his eyes widening. "A wedding invitation." Alfie states, looking down at me blankly.

"Maybe you should go." He says and my eyes shoot you to his in disbelief. "And why would I do that?" I ask him. "Those Peaky scum-" he starts but I raise my eyebrow and he sighs, starting again. "I mean, Arthur was right. They're your family and you miss them. I think it would be good for you to see them. Maybe for a day or two then come back here." He suggests.

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "You want me to attend a wedding of the man who used me and lied to me and the woman who tried to get me killed?" I ask him and he nods. "Yes, exactly." He says and I scoff.

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