Ah, You See I Missed You.

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Scarlett's POV

Arriving outside Alfie's, Tommy pulls the car to a stop. I adjust my Peaky cap as workers rush inside the factory and out of my sight of Alfie's work place. Tommy stays silent as he glares out of the front windshield. "I'll return home in a few days. I'll stay with Polly and Michael when I come back and I'll help with the Peaky Blinders." I murmur.

Turning his head to look at me, Tommy frowns, his blue eyes creasing slightly. "Live with me." He declares making me laugh. "Yeah, I would love to live with the woman who to tried to get me killed." I say sarcastically. Glancing at me, he reaches his hand up to up my face and he begins to lean down, but at speed I turn and push the car door open.

Stepping out onto the streets of London, I bend down to look into the Bentley. "Tell your wife I said hi." I challenge sarcastically, slamming the door shut. Looking up, I grin seeing the large doors open, Alfie and Goliath staring at me with warm smiles.

I walk towards them and walk into Alfie's open arms, allowing him to hug me tightly. "Ah, you see I missed you. Yeah, fucking crazy little thing you are. Keeps me on my bloody feet, yeah." Alfie chuckles. I step out of his grasp, I run my hand over the side of his cheek gently before I look at Goliath who is grinning down at me.

"You gonna give me a hug or what?" I tease and he nods, wrapping his arm around me. "I missed you." He tells me lowly. "I missed you too, honey." I tell him as I pull back, pecking his cheek.

Tommys POV

My hands curl around the steering wheel as I watch Alfie fucking Solomon hug Letty. He glares at me over her shoulder as I glare back. I roll my eyes as she hugs his nephew and I begin to pull away, with murder on my mind. Letty doesn't look at me as she walks in the bakery and I growl lowly as I speed away.

Scarlett's POV

Squeezing the hand that held my waist, Alfie coughs a little, nodding at his nephew. "Why don't we get you something to eat, eh? Yeah, something to eat, eh Goliath? Get Letty something to eat." Alfie instructs. A little smile tilts at my lips as I nod to Alfie. "Sounds good. Thank you, Goliath." I say politely as Goliath nods at me and runs into the bakery. Walking towards his office with me in tow, Alfie frowns. "Are you staying for long, darling?" He asks me.

Sighing softly, I shake my head. "A day or two tops, then I've got to head back. Business to attend to." I answer, pushing open the office door and sliding into one of the seats in front of the big brown, wooden desk. Closing the door behind him, Alfie makes his way around the desk, sitting down. "You make me feel like your bloody father watching you sneak out to meet some bloody boy I don't like, eh? Makes me feel fucking old." He says and I scoff, raising my eyebrow in a challenging manor.

"I knew you liked it when I called you daddy but I didn't think it was because you see me as your daughter. That's a bit pervy Alfie, even for you." I say jokingly. Alfie let's out a loud cackle of laughter, pointing his finger at me. "You come back with a better sense of humour? My god, what's this fucking Shelby done to you, eh?" He teases. I open my mouth to answer but the office door opens and Goliath rushes in, letting out a yelp as he places a bowl of soup in front of me. "It's bloody hot." He says.

"Thank you, Goliath. I'm sorry you had to burn your hand in the process of making me food." I say grinning. "Eh Goliath, this one's come back with a sense of humour, yeah. You'll never guess what she just said, eh Letty? Yeah-" Alfie begins making my eyes widen and I laugh, pointing my finger at him. "Alfie Solomon, I swear to god if you tell him-" I threaten. "Tell me! Pleases Alf, tell me!" Goliath begs, smiling in amusement. "She said-" I cover my ears, pretending to sing loudly making them laugh as a smile grows in my lips.


Waking up in the warmth of my bed the next morning, I yawn as I peer up at the ceiling. I smile smugly, cuddling into the warmth of my blankets. "Nothing Scarlett Shelby loves more than her fucking bed." I hear Alfie say and my eyes slowly open as I look over at him. He looks up quickly, giving me a small smile before going back to work at his desk, his gold rimmed glasses framed into his face perfectly.

"Alfie darling, I'm not a Shelby. I'm a Hayes." I correct him, not missing a beat as I peak over my blankets, staring at him with a teasing smirk. "Ah yes, Scarlett not a Shelby. Fuck, my bad, I'm sorry, doll." Alfie grumbles, flipping a page. "Speaking of last names, I ehm- I yes, think we should change it to bloody Scarlett Solomon. Gives off a good ring, right? Yeah, right." He jokes as I raise my eyebrow and scoff.

"Alfie, can I ask you something?" I ask as I stare up at the ceiling. "Yeah, yeah. Ask me anything, eh?" He says and I smile slightly. "Do you think I'm incapable of love?" I ask and it goes silent for a moment before he scoffs. "You're joking, eh? Yeah, yeah, you're joking." He says and I sit up, holding the blanket to me.

"I'm being serious Alfie. Am I?" I ask again and he looks up at me. "No, darling, you aren't. Any man who falls for you should feel like it's an honour to do so, eh. Yeah." He tells me and I sigh.

The Gypsy Beautyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें