Charity Foundation Dinner.

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Scarlett's POV

I sit in an armchair, reading one of my books with my glasses on that I now need hearing the door open. I look up as Finn, Michael and Isaiah strut into the living room, a box in Michaels hand as he smirks at me. "Letts, Tommy gave us a gift to give to you." He tells me. I close my book over and smirk over at the three boys, my eyes landing on the box.

It's a white box with a white thick ribbon tied around it and a note stuck on top. "Said it was top secret stuff and had to get it to you immediately." Finn tells me. I stand up and take the box from Michaels hands and watch as the three of them sit on the couch, watching me. Rolling my eyes, I sit back in the armchair and undo the ribbon, before I undo the envelope and begin to read.

'Letty, my love.

I am writing to you as the phones are being watched over and this is disclosed business information that currently only you and I know. Father Hughes is coming for all of us. He has threatened the life of my son if I am to make communication with Ada because of her communists connections.

Arch Duke Romonav has payed with a sapphire and that woman we met, Tatiana, is his niece who I, hopefully, plan to con. Inside this box is a dress to the Shelby Charity Dinner as Polly has told me you have made no efforts to come but I hope you do decide to come. I love you.

See you tonight, your Tommy.'

Swallowing thickly, I glance up to the see the three boys still looking at me. "He said he's brought me a dress for the ball tonight." I tell them, sighing. "Well, come on. Open it, sis." Finn encourages. Pulling the top off the box, I'm greeted to a white dress and my lips tilt up. I pull it out of the box and look at it. It's a white, off the shoulder dress, with a tight corset and fabric that flows at the back with a shimmer to it. Underneath in the box, lay a small diamond hair piece.

"He knows you well, Letty." Isaiah says as I just nod. "Alright you three. Go on, get out of here. You've got to get ready and I'll see you there." I tell them as they nod, standing up and walking out.


Polly had left a few minutes ago as I finish putting on my heels. I tucked the front of my hair behind my ears, clipping so they stay and leaving my hair straight with the diamond hairpiece clipped onto my right side. The dress hugs my curves perfectly and makes my ass look great. My makeup is simple but I coated my lips in a red lipstick making my lips look bigger.

A hand is placed over my eyes and I grin. "Guess who?" I hear John ask me. "That wouldn't be my John Shelby would it?" I ask as he takes his hand away from my eyes and looks at me over my shoulder in the mirror. "You look stunning." He compliments. Smiling softly, I turn around to face him. "Thank you. You look very handsome." I tell him.

"Fuck, baby." He groans looking in my eyes. "What?" I ask. "You like a film star. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you?" He asks and I smirk. "Who said you have to?" I ask him and he smirks, wrapping his arm around my waist. "You're a little minx, you know that?"He says, pecking my lips quickly before he walks me out to his car.


Tommys POV

I stand greeting people who have come, with Grace when I see Letty walk in with John and my breath leaves me. I don't think I've ever seen her look so beautiful. She's wearing the dress I got her and I'm glad she did because I can't take my fucking eyes off of her.

Scarlett's POV

Walking into the big open room, John holding my hand, I let my eyes dance over the crowd, watching as they turn to look at me. Walking towards us, Arthur gives me a big bear hug. "Arthur, let her go." Linda, Arthur's wife, spat in disgust. Letting me go, Arthur moves to Linda's side and places a forced smile on his face. "So you must be Linda, the bible woman." I say making John snort.

"Yes, I don't think we've gotten the chance to speak yet but I've certainly heard a lot about you." Linda smiles politely. I nod slowly, looking her up and down. "Oh, I've heard a lot about you too, Linda. None of it interesting." I say as John turns away to hide the laugh that spilled out making Linda glare at him. I walk around her, squeezing Arthur's arm as I pass.

I stop after I pass them and look around before my eyes land on Tommy, seeing him already looking at me. He looks me up and down and I see his lips tilt up before I walk over to him and Grace. "Letty." She says as I stop in front of them. "Grace. Well done on this dinner." I say politely.

"Thank you. You look amazing." She tells me politely and I smile a little. "Yeah. Someone got it for me. They seem to know me very well." I say glancing at Tommy who hasn't taken his eyes off of me. "That's a beautiful sapphire." I complement. "Thank you. It's from Tommys work with the Russians." Grace tells me and I look up at Tommy with a wary look, and he shakes his head at me.

"You're brave for wearing a necklace that big." I tell her and she nods, agreeing with me. "Yeah, I'm not used to it." She says as I hear my name being called. "Letts!" I hear Finn call me. "Excuse me." I say walking off. I glance over my shoulder to see Tommy still staring at me as Grace talks with another woman.

I smirk as I walk over to Finn, seeing Isaiah talking with him. "Hello boys." I say and they look at me, their eyes widening. "Holy shit, sis. You look good." Finn tells me and I smile. "Yeah, he's right. You look gorgeous." Isaiah agrees. "Thank you. You both look handsome." I compliment and they both blush.

"Dinner is served." A man announces as John walks over to me and offers me his arm and pulls me towards Arthur and Michael as Finn and Isaiah follow. "You look beautiful, Letts. Black is definitely your colour." Michaels tells me, winking at me and I chuckle.

John pushes his face away, his eyebrows scrunching. "You never got over our Scarlett, eh Michael?" Arthur teases clipping his ear, before the boys begin to walk to the dining room. I go to follow but I hear footsteps running and I turn around seeing a man raising a gun at me.

He fires and the bullet goes through my stomach, before he lifts the gun and fires again but it misses me this time. I see Arthur tackle the man as I place a hand on my stomach and lift my hand to see blood coating it. "For Angel!" The man shouts as I start breathing heavily.

Johns POV

"Get me a fucking ambulance!" Tommy screams as he holds Grace in his arms. I help Arthur beat the life at the man who fired the gun before I turn around and my heart stops. Letty stands shaking, holding her stomach as she grows pale.

She goes to fall but I rush over and catch her. I look down at her stomach and see blood seeping through her dress. "Letty. Letty!" I yell in panic as Arthur looks up and rushes towards me. "Fuck, no." He says, shaking his head as her eyes drop closed.

"No. No. Baby, open your eyes. Come on, open those beautiful green eyes of yours for me, eh. Come on, Letts!" I beg, holding her tightly to me. "Scar, open your fucking eyes!" Arthur yells making Tommy look up and his face drops even more when he sees Letty. Michael, Isaiah and Finn rush over to us and they look at Letty in shock. "No, sis." Finn mumbles sadly as we wait.

"Ada!" Arthur screams and she rushes over to us, looking at Letty in shock. "Did you call the ambulance?" Michael asks and she nods. "Yeah, a few minutes they said." She tells us as I don't take my eyes off my girl. "Finn, Isaiah. Come with me. We need to make sure they're ain't anymore wops." Arthur growls as he stands up, the two boys following him.

"John, she's going to be okay." Michael tells me. "She needs to be. I need my girl. Baby, please open your eyes." I try again but she doesn't move, her blood seeping down onto my hand. "Baby, please." I beg, holding her close to me but her eyes still don't open.

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