Ada's Pregnant?

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Scarlett's POV

I stand in the kitchen smoking with Polly as Ada comes back down stairs. "I'm going to the cinema. Feel like coming, Letty?" She asks me as I shrug. "Yeah, sure. Got no Peaky business to attend to." I say, stubbing out my cigarette before I shrug my jacket on.

The front door flings open, hitting the wall behind it as Finn, who is grinning excitedly, runs towards me as I shoot him a wide grin of my own. "Li-Li!" He exclaims as he sees me. I bend down as I open my arms wide and he runs into them, enveloping me into a big hug. I host him up onto my hip as I stand up.

"Little Man! There's my boy!" I mimic his excitement. "How's my favourite Shelby, eh? You're not causing trouble like those brothers of yours, are you?" I ask, smiling so he knows I'm not being serious. His cheeks flush red as I call him my favourite, which is what he is and always will be.

"Am I really your favourite, Li-Li?" He asks shyly as he smiles cutely at me. "Hell yes you are! You outrun your big brothers by miles and miles and miles." I say to him making him burst into another fit of laughter. "Even over Tommy?" He asks making me scoff playfully. "Are you kidding me, Finn Shelby? You beat Tommy by miles! Just don't tell him I said that though or else he'll murder the both of us." I say jokingly.

"Love you, sis." He says making me smile. "Love you more." I say holding my fist up to him as he fist bumps me cutely. I place him back on the ground, watching him run over to Polly to get some food. I laugh quietly at how cute he is.


Eyes glued to the big cinema screen, both Ada and I sit in our own worlds. In all honestly, I'm surprised she asked me to come with her. All we did was disagree on our ethics and views. She doesn't agree with me being a Peaky Blinder and I don't agree with her sticking her nose in business where it doesn't belong, especially mine.

The cinema doors fling open with a bang making Ada jump but I stay still. I'm way too used to violence. I don't turn my head as I know it's Tommy, who storms towards us with a scowl on his face. Ada cringes attempting to sink into her seat making me frown. Well, she's definitely done something.

Tommy makes his way through the row, sitting beside me so I'm stuck in between the middle of the two of them. I can feel the anger radiating of Tommy as he keeps his eyes glued to the screen in front of us, his hands shaking in fury so whatever Ada has done is bad. "Tell me his name Ada." He speaks lowly, but in a demanding tone, ignoring the confused look I give him.

Who's name?

"Rudolph Valentino." Ada answers, her voice staying calm and soft, never faltering but I can tell she's worried and scared about Tommy. He never says another word as he stands up with a shake of his head and storms back out of the doors. "What have you done now, Ada? If you tell me, maybe I can help calm him down." I say just as the doors bang open, once more, hitting the cinema walls furiously as Tommy storms back inside. "Everyone out now!" His voice bellows as he demands the other people in the cinema to leave. Everyone but me and Ada quickly stand and leave, not wanting to deal with the notorious Thomas Shelby.

Tommy storms back over to us as I stand up and move out of the way. "I said tell me his fucking name!" He shouts again making Ada sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose as I see her getting angry. "Freddie fucking Thorne! Yeah, your best mate since school. The man who saved your life in France. So go on, cut him. Cut him up and chuck him in the cut!" She yells, her voice matching the seeping anger that's coming from Tommy.

Tommy, not saying another word, storms out of the cinema once again, leaving behind a shocked me who's catched on and a shaking Ada. We stay in silence for a moment as I furrow my eyebrows at Ada. "You're seeing Freddie Thorne?" I ask her, shocked. "Tommys best friend? What, I don't-" I start as Ada lets out a sigh, her head turning to stare at me. "I'm not only seeing him, I'm pregnant with his baby. I'm up the fucking hatch!" She says as my mind spins in shock, going to say something but she beats me to it, her anger still seeping.

"You were to last to fucking know, Letty because I'd knew you'd go running to Tommy and open your mouth to him, like you always do! Then I'd be in an even deeper hole." Ada says as she stands up, her eyes furrowing as her anger continues towards me. "You're not even a part of this fucking family! You don't deserve to know anything! Tommy just keeps you around for god only knows what reason but I know he doesn't feel anything for you anymore!" She yells as I chuckle.

"I'm not the one who's pregnant." I say pointedly. "Yeah, you're right, Letty! You're not the one who's pregnant because Tommy or John don't love you and no man in Small Heath will ever love a Peaky girl. I mean, they won't even glance at you because all you are is a Shelby whore!" She yells before she pauses as her eyes widen in realisation of what she said. "Letty-" she starts but I shake my head.

"You've said enough Ada." I start calmly before I chuckle. "You know, I am more apart of your family than you've ever been and ever will be. They tell me everything but not you and I wonder why. You call me a Shelby whore but really who is the Shelby whore because it certainly ain't me, Ada. I'm not the one who's pregnant, by my brothers best friend no less. You know, I'm proud to be a Peaky Blinder, real proud. Do yourself a favour Ada and take a good look at yourself before you start coming at me. At least I don't rely on any man." I finish before I storm out, hearing her calling after me.

I storm around the streets of Small Heath, heading straight for the Garrison needing a drink. I notice the people on the streets looking and whispering about me as I pass past them. I keep my head held high considering I've got nothing to feel ashamed of. "Stick your eyes back in your heads before I take them." I say calmly but firmly making the people scurry back into their homes quickly.

Fuck what Ada thought of me. Like I said, I don't and never will give a flying fuck about what anyone thinks of me. I'm a Peaky fucking Blinder and I don't need no man to prove that.

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