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Isaiah's POV

Three years later.

"Mama." Lucas voice sounds out from behind Arthur and Finn, who turns and lifts Lucas as Arthur lifts JJ into their laps. "What's a fuck?" JJ asks Letty who looks at him in shock. "A glass of water." Finn blurts and Letty face palms, shaking her head as Arthur and Tommy burst out laughing.

"Where did you hear that word, munchkin?" Letty asks JJ who points at Arthur and Letty glares at him. "It means a glass of water. Now boys, when you see a pretty lady, you go over and ask for one." Arthur chuckles, ignoring the glare his best friend is sending him.

"Lizzie's pretty. Can I ask her for a fuck?" JJ asks. "Yeah, why don't you go do that, right now." Finn says and JJ gets placed on the floor. "Idiots." Letty grumbles slapping the back of their heads before she follows JJ as Finn carries Lucas.

"LizLiz." JJ says, climbing into her lap. "You alright, hun?" Lizzie asks. "Can I have a fuck?" JJ asks making Lizzie shocked as the three Shelby brothers start to laugh whilst Letty glares at them. "Munch, why don't you ask Lizzie nicely?" Letty says to JJ. "Can I have a glass of water, please?" JJ asks and Lizzie nods, taking his hand, walking out of the room as Letty starts attacking the boys who couldn't stop laughing.

"What the hell happened?" Polly asks. "JJ asked what a fuck was and Finn told him if meant a glass of water." Arthur clarifies, as Tommy catches Letty's hands restraining her with a smirk as she continues to try and hit him. "Calm down, love." Tommy tells her as she still struggles against him. "Tommy, let me go." She growls. "Are you going to calm down?" He asks her.

"What do you think?" She retorts. "I take that as a no." Tommy states, still holding her wrists. "I didn't even do anything. Finn told him." He defends. "Finns the baby." Letty argues. "Arthur told him to ask a pretty lady. I just laughed because it was fucking hilarious." Tommy says, chuckling as she tries to hit him again.

"Come on." I say, pulling her away. "Those fuckers." She glares at Tommy as I drag her away slightly. "Do they like to get fucks too?" JJ asks walking in. "Yes." Arthur says, being smacked by Ada as I wrap my arms round Letty who looks as though she's about to murder the Shelby's who are still in fits of laughter.

"Let it go, baby." I whisper. "But they-" she starts but I cut her off. "I know, I know. But let it go, we'll talk to him when they're gone, alright?" I say quietly, feeling her relax in my arms. "Yeah." She agrees. "I'm still mad at you three and if he wasn't here, I would cut all three of you." She threatens.

"Never thought I'd see the day she'd listen to someone when they told her to calm down. She's fucking stubborn." Finn whispers to Arthur and Tommy. "What was that, Finn Shelby?" Letty asks, raising her eyebrow. "Nothing." Finn replies but I know she heard him.

"You can't stay mad for too long." Finn smirks picking up Lucas and spinning around making him giggle. "You love us too much. Especially when we teach your kids very useful things." Arthur adds. "Arthur, unless you want your fake death to become a real one...I suggest you close your mouth." Ada says as Letty's fist clench.


Scarlett's POV

"Come on Letts. We need to go vote." Ada says as she walks into the betting shop where I'm checking the books. "I can't." I reply. "What?" Ada questions. "I'm not old enough." I tell her. "That's bullshit, even Finn can vote." Arthur says. "Women have to be over thirty to vote. I'm twenty-eight." I remind him.

"Fuck that." Arthur says pulling my out of my chair. "We're the Peaky fucking Blinders." He reminds me, placing my cap onto my head and pushing me in the car. "Don't think that name means too much in politics, Arthur." I tell him as everyone gets into their cars.

"Maybe not, but it means shit in Birmingham, which is where we are voting." Linda adds. "Fair enough." I mumble as we drive off. "Now who are you? Or have you fucking forgotten?" Arthur asks me. "I'm Letty Jesus." I reply. "Who are you?" Arthur questions. "Letty Hayes-Jesus." I answer.

"Who?" He continues. "Letty fucking Hayes-Jesus." I say. "Atta girl." Arthur smiles. "Who are you with?" He adds. "My family." I reply. "Who?" He asks. "The Peaky fucking Blinders." I smirk as we get out of the car. "Excuse me, ma'am." Someone says stopping me. "What?" I ask bluntly. "Are you old enough to be here?" He asks.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I'm Scarlett fucking Hayes. Now, are you going to let me through? Or are you wanting to lose your vision?" I threaten. "Go through." He gulps. "That's what I thought." I say walking past him.

Looking down at the sheet in front of me, I don't even look at the other names. I just grab a pen and tick the box next to Tommys name before replacing the pen back and place my vote into the box.


It was results day. The family were dressed up and we're all currently stood in a large room with all the other candidates families, waiting for them to reveal the votes tally. "Ronald Carr, conservative: 3412. Bernard Hall, liberal: 4015. Michael Ross, communist: 6406. Thomas Shelby, Labour Party: 48564." The man announces over the radio and a large burst of cheer comes from our family.

Tommy smirks at me as I shake my head but embrace him anyway, telling him I was proud of him. I pull away as everyone starts to congratulate him and my boys run over to me, wrapping there small arms around my legs.

The Gypsy BeautyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora