We've Been Done Over!

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Johns POV

I walk into Letty's bedroom seeing her laying on her bed, facing away from the door. I take my cap and jacket off, placing them on her desk before I walk over to her bed. I lift the covers and climb in beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist as I bring her back into me.

"You okay, beautiful?" I ask lowly, feeling her shrug. "Just didn't think he would ever do that to me. Seems like he would rather protect his precious Grace than protect me anymore." She says angrily. "I don't know why he would do that. Explains why he didn't say anything to me or Arthur, eh? He knew we would never let him do this." I tell her.

She turns round in my arms, tangling her legs with mine. "I know you two wouldn't. I thought the same about Tommy but clearly, I thought wrong." She sighs, playing with my tie as she smirks softly. "What's that smirk for?" I ask her curiously. "Just remembering the fun times we've had with this tie." She says.

I laugh remembering all the times I've tied her up with it, tying her to my headboard. "Yeah, and it won't be the last." I promise her as she smirks. "You better keep that promise, John Shelby." She warns playfully and I smirk. "I will. You'd think I'd give up the opportunity to have you at my mercy again?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

"No, I know you. It's one of your favourite things to do to me." She says and I nod, agreeing with her. "One of many things I love doing to you." I say as she smiles. I run my hand down to her ribs where she hisses making furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She dismisses quickly but I lift her shirt up seeing bruises spread across her ribs. "Did Kimber do this?" I ask her angrily, feeling anger for Tommy even more. "When he pushed me onto a table." She tells me and my jaw clenches. "Fucking Kimber." I growl lowly. "I'm okay, John. Been through worse before." She tells me.

"Doesn't make it better. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, baby." I tell her and she nods. "Yeah, you're telling me." She says, sighing softly. I move my hand to her hair, brushing my fingers through it as I speak. "Look, I'm after calling a family meeting tomorrow at the Garrison and I really need you there, Letts. It's bloody important. Tommy's an arsehole at times but if there's one thing that bastard loves, it's you. I know it." I say, clenching my jaw at the thought but also on how she's going to react when I tell her my news.

"I'm not speaking to him. I've got nothing to say." She says before she looks up at me. "You okay?" She asks and I nod stifly. "Yeah, just don't want to lose you. I can't lose you." I tell her and she smiles, placing her hand on my cheek. "You're not gonna lose me, John Shelby. I promise." She promises me and I just hope I don't.

"I need you to know that what I tell you tomorrow is not to hurt you. And I don't want you to think you aren't mine because you are. You're my girl and I'm yours. I promise. Till the day I take my last breath, you're the only woman for me." I tell her sincerely and she smile softly. "It's us against this god for saken world, yeah?" She asks and I nod, grinning. "Us against the world, beautiful."


Tommys POV

Me and Polly walk inside the Garrison, into our private room and Polly sits down at the table while I hover against the wall, staring down at Letty. She sits beside John, his hand clutched tightly in hers as she stares into her whiskey glass, not bothering to look up when we walked in. Arthur sat across from them and the three of them sit in silence.

"Alright John, there's only one man-" I cut myself off, waving my hand at Arthur who offers me a drink. "No. There's only one man guarding the house. What's troubling you?" I ask as John lets out a huff, and I see him squeeze Letty's hand tighter. "Fuck me. Not so tight, John. This is my punching hand." She says pulling her hand away, flexing it to get the circulation back into it.

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