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Scarlett's POV

"Letty, hurry the fuck up! I need you today!" Tommy shouts to me from the doorway. "I'm coming! Jesus." I shout back as I fix my Peaky cap and walk out of the house. "You've got no fucking patience, Tommy Shelby." I say as I climb into the back of the van where John, Arthur, Michael, Curly and uncle Charlie are sat. "Morning." I say taking a seat next to John, who wraps his arm around me.

"Morning, Letty girl. You look pretty." Curly says shyly and I smile. "Thank you, Curly. You look very handsome yourself." I tell him and he smiles, his cheeks blushing red. "Sandwich?" Michael offers, as the car stops down the road and the doors to the back open. "She's heating up, Curly. Take a look." Tommy says and Curly nods, climbing out and going to check the van.

"Want one?" Michael offers again. "I'm good, thank you." I say politely, giving him a small smile. "Arthur?" Michael asks. "What the bloody hell's that?" Arthur questions, frowning at the food. "Well, see a sandwich is two pieces of bread with butter and normally, something in the middle of them." I say sarcastically and he gives me a deadpan look. "Haha." He says in a monotone voice, nudging me as I smirk.

"It's ham, I think. We got shrimp paste too. And some tea." Michael informs us, unpacking the food as me, John and Arthur struggle to hide our amusement. "Polly made bloody sandwiches." Arthur states, shocked. "What's this? Teddy bears fucking picnic?" Uncle Charlie asks as he lights a smoke.

"Alright, we will drink the tea and we will eat the sandwiches then we will drive on. Alright? No crumbs, Charlie." Tommy tells us, patting Charlie's back before getting back into the front as the boys start to get back in. "So, I see Polly let you come, then." I say to Michael who nods. "Yeah. I think your words really got to her." He tells me and I snort. "Probably." I say as the van takes off again.


"This is a respectable event. So you'll behave accordingly." Tommy tells us leading the way inside. "No weapons. No drinking. We stay together." Tommy instructs looking mainly at me, as I look around unbothered and bored. "You're not the boss of me, Tommy." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Curly, keep an eye out. I'll point out the horse, you check her out." Tommy tells him. "I've got a feeling, Letty girl. Something isn't right." Curly tells me quietly. "You're just in an unfamiliar place, Curls. We all are." I tell him softly, patting his back gently. "But I get feelings sometimes." He repeats. "It's alright, Curls. We can handle it if things go wrong." I tell him as we stop, looking over a veranda to where a brown horse is being led around.

Looking around the venue, I spot a woman staring at us from across the viewing area but looks away when I catch her eye. More specifically at Tommy. I roll my eyes, knowing she's the same as every other woman. One look at Thomas Shelby and she's at his mercy. "This is the horse, Tom." Uncle Charlie tells Tommy and the bidding starts.

People shout out numbers and soon it's between Tommy and the woman who was staring at us. As her price keeps raising, so does Tommys, going over what he told Polly he wanted to spend. "Sold to Mr..." the auctioneer announces, pointing at Tommy. "Thomas Shelby." Tommy says eyeing the woman across from us.


Tommys POV

"I'm curious. What is your business, Mr Shelby?" The woman who was eyeing me during the bidding, questions me. "Import, export. But I also sell pegs and tell fortunes." I muse. "You beat us to it." She remarks, batting he eyelashes at me to which I ignore. "Did I?" I say nonchalantly.

"I was trying to nab a filly for my stud." She tells me. "Sorry." I say smugly. "Thomas Shelby from where?" She asks me. "From Birmingham." I tell her. "Goodness!" She exclaims. "No, not much." I say lowly. "May Carleton. I breed racehorse and train them. What is it you do?" She asks sweetly. "I rarely answer questions, is what I do." I tell her.

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