Letty shakes her head. "I want nothing to do with the Lee boys. Am I bothering you? Is me not acting like a proper lady like Grace makes out to be bothering you, Thomas?" She grins as I wince at my full name. "Letty-" I start as she downs her whiskey going to ask for another one when I grab her arm. "Enough." I tell her firmly as we stare at each other. "You lost the right to tell me what was enough when you showed up with that bitch. I'm no longer your problem. So just go find her, Tommy and I'll go find John and Arthur. The two Shelby's that actually want to spend time with me." She growls.

She turns to walk away but I grab her wrist bringing her back to me. "You need to trust me." I tell her and she throws her head back in laughter. "Oh fuck me! Trust you? You've gone mad, Thomas Shelby." She says making my glare intensify, as my hand tightens in anger around her wrist.

"You think I don't want to be here with you? Because I do. I really do but I'll explain it to you all later, I promise." I tell her. "I don't care Tommy. And I don't trust your promises any more." She tells me seriously before she pulls her wrist out of my grip and walks away.

I watch her walk over to Arthur and John, who wraps his arm around her waist making me scowl. Arthur takes three glasses of champagne of a tray a waiter is holding before telling him to fuck off. "Now! Celebration drinks in on honour of this beautiful lady!" John cheers, gesturing to Letty as she downs her glass like it's whiskey.


Later, Letty is still with John and Arthur, not even looking my way once. I walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns round with a raised eyebrow before she sighs when she sees it's me. "Letts. Kimber has seen you. We're going for dinners at Kimber's and you're going with him. I'm gonna meet you there." I urge as John and Arthur step closer to Letty, glaring at me.

She downs her whiskey before handing Arthur the glass, before giving me her usual cold glare. "So you're using me?" She asks angrily. "No, I just need you to find out some things, that's all. You'll be fine and I'll get there before he tries anything with you. I won't let him lay a hand on you." I promise her and she scoffs.

"I can handle myself, thank you. You know, maybe people don't believe it but I have never needed Thomas Shelby to protect me and I certainly don't now." She says barging me past me as John and Arthur share a look of worry.


Scarletts POV

I stare out onto Billy Kimber's back garden. His house is huge, bigger than any house I've seen before. Kimber stands close by making my teeth set on edge. His footsteps echo through out the room and I peer over my shoulder to see him putting a disc into a vinyl player. Music fills the opens silence before he speaks up.

"You showed me up back at the Garrison." He smirks as he walks across the room towards me, his attention dead set on me. He roughly grabs my arm and pulls me away from the window. "Why don't you make it up to me?" He asks as I pull my arm out of his grip.

"Don't ever grab me like that again." I warn as he smirks. "You ever been in a house this big pikey?" He asks as my fist clench at the insult. He picks up a curly strand of my hair and wraps it around his finger. "Look at you. You look like a film star, how on earth are you one of those gangsters? It baffles me, really." He says.

He wastes no time in places his lips on my neck, sucking my skin harshly before I push him back roughly. I glare at him as he smirks. He walks away towards the drinks table, picking up a glass before he drops it, shards of glass dropping everywhere as he looks at me in disgust.

"Oh, look. I've dropped something. Pick it up." He orders me. I glare at him, anger boiling up in me. "Pick it up yourself." I growl. "You're a fucking woman! If I drop a glass on the floor, you pick it up. I watch you pick it up." He demands as my eyebrow raises before I look him up and down. "You're no man." I spat, venom dripping through my tone as I glare coldly at him.

Kimber marches across the room grabbing me by the arms and turns me over on the table but as much as I try to kick and fight, he's a lot stronger than me. "Right, you little slag. I have tried to be nice. If I drop a glass on the floor, you bend over and pick up the fucking glass." He says grabbing my hair and slams my head down making me dazed. "Okay?" He says as I feel my dress start to raise.

I try to wiggle away but he pushes me into the table harder, feeling it push against my ribs harder, to sure leave a mark. I kick my leg back feeling it hit his leg making him groan. "You bitch." He growls just as the door swings open and Kimber lets out an ungodly roar, his body still holding me as I shake.

His hold starts to relax and I forcefully push him back as I raise my self up. I turn around to see Tommy and anger rises as I glare at him. I've been sold off like one of his horses, as if I meant nothing to him. "What are you doing here? I've got another hour." Kimber growls, eyes ablaze as Tommy steps forward holding his hand up. "Just wait! Listen to me. Just listen to me. I was going to let you go through it, but at the end my conscious got the better of me." He says.

He points towards me, his eyes not daring to look towards me. "She looks good on the outside. But she has the clap." He tells Kimber as Kimber takes a step away from me in disgust. "Yeah syphilises. When you took a shine to her, I thought to use her. Someone told me she had syph, I thought 'what the hell'. Call it my better nature." Tommy adds.

His eyes finally move to me as he scans my body. My neck is red and blotchy and I can feel blood dripping down my face, from my eyebrow as ribs flare in pain. "She's a whore." He says as I snatch my jacket of the table. "Now you just go wait in the car." He tells me as I walk by him and he goes to grab my arm. "You lay a fucking hand on me and you'll lose it, Thomas Shelby." I threaten before walking out.

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