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Elora stood beside Stephen at the base of the throne when her friends, no, her family, walked in. Thor, Yrsa and Loki side by side as they lead the rest.

"I still can't believe goth Gumby is your type." Elora elbowed him in the side and he let out a grunt before smiling at her and shrugging. "You look happy though."

"I am," she said as the group reached them and Loki picked her up, spinning her around as he kissed her.

"We survived," he laughed, setting her down and pressing their foreheads together.

"Glad you decided against a world of ash then, prince?"

Stephen let out an irritated sigh and walked several steps away as Heimdall spoke to Thor. "Asgard is safe and yours again, my king," he held out an arm to the throne. "I suggest your first orders focus on repairs."

Thor's face scrunched and he put his hands on his hips, looking around at the gathered group. "You know, Yrsa is the one who really saved Asgard. She kept everyone safe and devised a plan to get the people out when she realized Hela could not be beat. I think if anyone deserves to rule, it's her."

There was a murmur of agreement accompanied by head nods and a loud 'aye' from Volstagg.

However, Yrsa stepped forward shaking her head. "No, brother, we saved Asgard together. Why not rule together? A burden shared is a burden lessened."

Thor nodded and the siblings' clasped their forearms with smiles on their face.

"Asgard is in good hands then," Loki took a deep breath, pulling Elora closer to his side, as he congratulated his siblings. "You two will be grand leaders."

Yrsa's brows came together and she crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at him. "Did I not make myself clear just now?" The room was silent as everyone glanced at each other. "All three of us had a part in saving our home, all three of us should have a hand in ruling it. A triumvirate of sorts."

Elora could feel Loki's heart quicken as he answered the princess. "You must forget, dear sister, I already had a chance at ruling and it didn't go very well."

Yrsa walked forward and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Yes but you hadn't pulled your head out of your ass then." She beamed down at her friend before she continued. "But now it seems you have. And you will have Thor and I too keep you in line."

"Yrsa," Thor interrupted. "Are you sure that's the best idea?"

She turned and saw the concern on the faces of those around them but she simply nodded before continuing. "Think about it. The three of us, working together. We would each have our freedom while still making sure our people are cared for. We could come and go as we please," she glanced back at the couple, who were now looking at each other. "Though I suspect some of us would leave a bit less frequently now. And with Elora back among our ranks she could keep those of us not here up to date, call us home if needed."

At the sound of her name Elora looked at the princess who only stared back with question in her gaze. "I am your loyal subject, my queen, I will do whatever you ask of me for Asgard."

Yrsa spun, arms held wide. "See, it's almost like it was always meant to be this way. It's the best solution and if you disagree Thor I will refuse the crown all together."

Thor looked from his sister to his brother but when he caught the white glaze clearing from over his friend's eyes he raised a brow to her. She only smirked before shrugging a shoulder and wrapping her arms more tightly around Loki. "Very well, if you think it's best, then let's do it."


Late that night Elora returned to the throne room after hours in the infirmary to find Loki right where she had seen in her scry, sitting on the steps of the throne looking up at it.

"Regretting your partnership already, my king," she said coming to a stop at the base of the stairs.

Loki put on a tired and stood, holding a handout for her to join him near the top. "Not at all, nin emel, just scheming."

Elora brows raised as she picked up her skirts, so glad to be back in familiar clothes, corset and all, and walked up to meet him. "Will you never out those days behind you?"

When she put her hand in his he pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her and lifting to carry the last few steps to the throne. "This is my last one, I promise." When her feet were on solid ground again he pushed her back gently. "Sit."

She looked up at him bewildered. "Loki, I can't-"

"Just for a moment," he cut in. "Please."

The sincerity in his voice made her pause and she scanned his face for a moment before obliging and lowering herself to sit on the very edge. When she did he dropped to his knees before her.

"This is Thor's throne by birth and Yrsa's by bravery but right now as you sit upon it I kneel before you," she opened her mouth to stop him but he held up a hand grabbing one of hers with the other. "Because you are my queen. And I swear to guard you, to protect this world...our world by your side. I swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge myself only to you from now until the end of my days. And as your faithful subject I ask only one thing in return."

Elora laughed softly and licked her lips before asking, "What is it you ask for?"

"That you be my wife and love me until the end of yours."

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