A Formidable Foe

18 1 7

Elora waited on the jet with Dr. Banner, some tingle in the back of her mind telling her to stay as the others went in to confront Ultron. The sound of grunts and clanging metal coming through the speakers prompted the doctor to step up to the communications system.

"Guys, is this a code green?" He asked and She stepped up to the door, cocking her head. "Hey, you good?"

She felt a chill roll down her back as an energy, strange yet familiar, made itself known at the edge of her senses. "Open the door."

When she stepped out she could see Tony and Ultron fighting in the sky above them but the feeling came from the direction of the ship the others were on. A large blast boomed from the air above and she saw Tony spinning out as he fell. With a low grumble and a curse over her shoulder telling Dr. banner to close the door again she reached out, tearing a rusted chunk of metal from one of the ships around her with her power and jumping onto it before heading towards Ultron.

On the way she slowed Tony's descent, giving him more time to right himself before they took on the bot together. She created a domed shield around the three of them holding Ultron from getting away and allowing Tony to go after him with brute force. After several moments she felt that strange energy pulse out again as Tony had Ultron against the wall of the dome.

"You'll catch on." She heard the robotic voice say as her focus came back. "But first you'll need to catch Dr. Banner."

Tony shot something at Ultron as Elora dropped the shield and headed back towards the jet and the source of the pulse.

"Arwen," Tony called and she stopped, looking at him confused. "I might need your help on this one."

He took off toward the city skyline in the distance and she hovered for just a second, eyes scanning the treeline near the jet before cursing when she found nothing taking off after Tony.

"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby." She heard Tony speak into the comms channel as she caught up but not the reply before he looked back to her. "Alright, I've gotta call in Veronica. Do you think your spirit fingers can keep him corralled until she gets here to minimize damage?"

"I'm not sure what most of that means but yes to the last bit."

"Good enough," he said before moving faster, Elora on his tail.

A specialized containment unit made for the Hulk beat them to the city and had him trapped and held in place as Elora landed running off of her makeshift platform to begin moving debris to clear a path and allow civilians to exit the area more quickly and easily, taking just a few moments here and there to heal some of the more debilitating injuries so people could get out with little to no assistance.

A loud grunt came from under the dome before the ground around it rocked and Elora began to frantically search for Tony, who'd instructed her to head to ground level with no explanation of where he was going. The ground rocked again before the dome sank down into it and she sprinted, abandoning the people she'd been helping in favor of stopping any more potential harm.

"RUN!" She screamed at the men in uniforms around the hole as the ground around it started to cave in as well but she was too slow.

Hulk burst from the pavement with wild red eyes and began slamming into the nearest vehicle. She skidded to a halt, reaching out and yanking the car, and the woman inside, toward her and away from the threat, taking just a second to confirm she was uninjured before gunshots went off. She planted her feet and focused in on Hulk's mind trying to calm him but a red haze surrounded his consciousness, blocking her.

Tony landed, the suit he was now in was more than triple its normal size and as he spoke to Hulk Elora returned to ushering people away, sending up shields to block every street into where they stood. Hulk let out an ear piercing roar as she blocked off the last entrance and connected all the barriers with a domed top just before a car was thrown at Tony.

The destruction was contained within her shield as Tony and Hulk went after each other. Every time thunderous slam into the ice blue walls drawing screams from onlookers and rattling her bones as she held concentration.

"A little help, El?" Tony called after a particularly hard hit from Hulk that had sent him into a wall near where she stood.

She looked around the square to the people still gathered outside her walls. She couldn't drop the shields to focus on more aggressive magic without endangering them and with the red haze on Hulk's mind her other options were limited. Her eyes stopped on the hole with the metal dome and an idea hit her. "Keep him busy for another minute and when I say go fly straight up and quickly!"

With a nod Tony took off to accept more beatings and she began to shrink the shield. Slowly at first to allow herself a chance to open a small space to move over herself and then faster. "NOW!" She cried out and Tony shot up and toward the hole at the top of the dome she'd opened, slipping through just in time for her to slam it closed again and block Hulk from following. With Hulk alone in the shield now Elora downsized it more rapidly, the forceful bashing on the walls coming closer and closer together as she stretched a barrier along the ground as well until he was trapped and barely able to turn his head.

"What now?" Tony asked, landing beside her.

Elora looked around at the devastation and could see large armored trucks arriving with armed men jumping from them. "Fly us out of here so we can get Banner back away from people. The shield will act as a cage and I can move it with us but I need to focus."

With that the large suit around Tony began to fall of in large chunks before heading upwards to a floating storage unit and when he was back to normal size he slipped his arms under her raised ones and took off. 

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