Upon the Throne

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The following morning Sif and Hogun had tried to talk Elora into going with them to alert Odin to their suspicions but she refused. It was all too much, the attack during the coronation, her friends nearly dying in Jotunheim and then Thor's banishment. Her first time back to Asgard was not ending on a good note and she could not add watching Loki being accused of treason to his father to that list. So she was in her rooms once again curled up on the settee, clutching at her mothers blanket for comfort after tossing and turning all night when a knock came at her door. Begrudgingly she stood, tucking the blanket into the cushions before answering it.

She opened it to find a guard. "Lady, the princess request's your presence in the king's chambers immediately."

Elora gathered her skirts as she closed the door, confused. "The king's chambers, why?"

They began to walk as the guard answered. "The Allfather has fallen into the Odinsleep."


Elora burst through the door to Odin's rooms as Loki removed his helmet and set the Odin spear to the side. Her steps faltered for just a moment when their eyes locked but she recovered quickly and moved to stand beside the queen and his sister.

"What happened, doesn't he usually know when the sleep is going to take him?" Elora asked, resting a hand on Yrsa's shoulder. His sister, usually an unstoppable force, sat quietly with her face in her hands.

"He's been putting it off for a while now." Frigga reached for Odin's hand as she spoke, holding back tears.

Loki finally took a seat on Odin's other side speaking to his mother but eyes never leaving Elora who looked uncomfortable in his presence. "How long will it last?"

"I don't know," his mother whispered. "This time is different and we were unprepared."

They sat at Odin's bed side for hours, no one saying a word, before another guard entered.

"Pardon me, your majesty, queen mother. I do not mean to interrupt but Heimdall wanted to confirm if Lady Elora still planned to leave on the morrow with the Allfathers condition."

Elora stood. "If you'd like, my queen, pri-my king, I can stay on for a few days."

"There's no need," Loki spoke quickly, both Frigga and Yrsa glaring. His tone was sharp and cold despite the fire that hearing Elora call him 'my king' set off in his blood. He squirmed in his seat trying to cool the blaze. "It's not as if you can do anything and I'd hate to keep you from your work."

"Very well, my king," Elora's jaw flexed as she curtsied. "If you'll excuse me I need to go make sure I have everything in order for my departure."

"I'll escort you." Yrsa rose, towering over the elven girl as she came up beside her while giving her brother a hard look. "I need to stretch my legs, clear my head."

When they left the room Frigga spoke. "That was unkind, Loki."

"It wasn't unkind, it was true." He sat back in his chair, running a thumb along his lower lip before gesturing at the closed doors. "There is nothing she can do so if she wants to leave she should leave."

"That's just it, my dear, she doesn't want to leave."

"I beg to differ," he scoffed.

"Loki," Frigga waited for him to look at her. Amongst all the other things going wrong the last few days she would not allow this to be another thing on the list. "I spoke with Elora after breakfast the other day as she seemed upset."

He rolled his eyes. He didn't see what Elora had to be upset over, she'd strung him along, played with his heart and then turned him down and tomorrow she'd be off back to life away from him. Back to the life he'd pushed her away to. "And why should this conversation matter to me?"

"Because she expressed a desire to stay in Asgard for you," his eyes shot back to his mother's as she continued. "But stated she was concerned it would be selfish to deprive the realms of her gifts and that she didn't have a chance to properly express that to you."

She'd called after him. He thought she was just trying to soften the blow of his rejection so he'd walked away but maybe...

"After the coronation I was going to speak with Odin and Eir and see about setting up a program for Elora to return part time and teach new healers who could eventually replace her in the realms so that she could come home, for you, but with everything that's happened..." Frigga trailed off with a deep sigh. "Don't let her go, Loki. I don't think we can handle another loss right now."

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