A Champions Match

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Loki stood in a small group in the Grandmasters suite but his attention was on Elora, wearing the backless silver gown from several weeks ago, as she stared out the window and down into the arena. He knew she was worried about Thor and his upcoming bout with the Champion. He'd snuck out of their room the night before when she'd fallen asleep to project down to Thor, something she had not attempted since the bathtub for fear of being lost in the magic again.

He'd wanted to talk to his brother without prying eyes, to gauge his willingness to work together but the moment Thor had turned to him Loki knew Thor had been simmering in his rage too long. The God of Thunder tossed bits of trash through his projection as he'd tried to explain his position with the Grandmaster and its fragility and he quickly gave up. They could not work together successfully as they were, especially after Thor expressed wanting to go to Asgard, and Loki's priority was still Elora and her safety. So, he'd slipped quietly back into their room and then their bed and pulled the elven woman close, not mentioning the visit with Thor. Now though, as he watched her fingers tap anxiously at the glass in her hands, he wished he had some comfort to offer her.

Elora flinched at the brutality of the warmup fight going on below and her healing magic itched to reach out and touch the man now being dragged away but she could feel the eyes of the Grandmaster's bodyguard, Topaz, keenly on her.

As the arena was being cleared and readied for the Champions match cool hands pressed against her exposed waist.

"He's a stubborn ox, my heart. I know your nervous but I believe he will be fine." Loki's voice was low and calming as his lips pressed against her ear. "And when he defeats the champion, he will become the champion which will only give us more leverage."

The crowd began to cheer as a holograph of the Grandmaster appeared before them to announce the main event.

Elora's heart lurched as Thor walked into the arena with cobbled together armor, his golden locks shorn. The masses began to boo and sneer and the Grandmaster continued. Green clouds of smoke exploded in the air around them as the very arena shook from what she could only assume were the steps of the beast that was the champion and she reached back, pulling Loki's hand into hers and squeezing with enough force to nearly break his bones. But when the door opened to reveal the fearsome opponent Thor called out in excitement and Elora's hand let go of Loki's to cover her dumfounded smile.

It did not take long however for her to realize that Bruce had not been in control for a while and when she turned to find Loki gone, now talking with the Grandmaster looking like he might be sick, she took the opportunity to slip out of the suite in search of a viewing platform away from watchful eyes.

Hulk had already launched his assault on Thor when she elbowed her way into one of the public boxes and the crowd was too loud for her to be able to call out to try and calm the beast. While Thor had fought with before and survived the gamma irradiated man he was now without his hammer so Elora did the only thing she could think of short of jumping into the arena herself. Her fingers began to twitch lessening the force of each blow against her prince and making every movement of Hulks harder to perform, having to fight against her telekinesis and the worm she was putting into his mind to calm him.

She was almost giddy when Thor was able to approach Hulk hand reaching forward, presumably speaking the words that would bring Bruce back. Her concentration was broken, however, when a meaty hand yanked at the back of her neck and dragged her from the box. The sound of the crowd cheering Hulks renewed rage deafening around her.

She was brought back to the Grandmaster's suite, Topaz nearly yanking the hair from the nape of her neck, just in time to hear the crowds' cheers change to 'Thunder'.

"I found her in one of the lower levels. I think she was trying to manipulate the champion to fail." The guard thrusted Elora to her knees in front of the couch where the Grandmaster sat with Loki, whose eyes were wide with panic.

The man eyed her, his smile one of joyful malevolence, before he turned to Loki and tisked. "I assume this is your doing, Loki? Trying to protect your brother, I'm sure."

Loki shot to his feet. "Grandmaster there must be some mistake. Elora would never. In fact, I bet against my brother today, she would have no reason-"

"You what," Elora spoke through gritted teeth before white hot pain lanced through her.

"You," the Grandmaster spoke, waggling the remote of her disk in his fingers. "Were not permitted to speak."

She spat at his feet. "You are not my master you-" Her words were cut off as the Elder pressed the button again.

"As long as you're on my planet I am," He tossed the device to Topaz. "Take her to the cells. Since she feels like fighting she can do it for the people's entertainment."

Elora was dragged up by her hair again and she could hear Loki's frantic pleas to the Grandmaster as she was led away. 

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