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Several days later Elora was tearing down what she could of her workstation after her last patient had been sent home. With the coronation so close today would be the last day she would be working until she returned to Vanaheim.

"You know you don't have to do that. Someone will be around after the ceremony to clear all that up." Heimdall said as he came to stand beside her.

"Oh I know but the guard isn't here to get me quite yet and I have the time. Might as well be useful." As she continued to work Heimdall chuckled softly before he began to help her. "There's no need for that, Heimdall, I can get it."

"I'm aware but if Grace ever found out I stood by and watched she'd have my head."

"She can be terrifying." She said with a small laugh. "But, she is also a wonderful woman. I'm sure she'll be a great mother."

Heimdall cocked his head. He and Grace had only just realized they were expecting a few days ago and hadn't told anyone yet.

"I had a vision last night. I know you're waiting till after the ceremony to announce it but I'm not sure I'll get the chance to properly see you. So I wanted to congratulate you both, please tell Grace I'm so happy for you."

Heimdall's smile was genuine as they finished packing up what supplies they could. "Thank you, Lady. I'll be sure to let her know you said so."

Just then they heard the approaching sound of hooves. "That would be my ride," she said before leaning in to hug the guardian. "Congratulations again, Heimdall."

Heimdall waved to Elora as she walked from Himinbjorg and when she turned to look down the bridge at the coming guard her steps faltered. It was not a guard riding towards her.

"Prince," she asked, perplexed. "What are you doing here?"

"It's your last night of work, is it not?" He said with a mischievous grin as he brought the horse to a stop beside her.

"It is." She said, still unsure what was happening. Since their meeting in the library they had been cordial. He had still been avoiding meals and his brother but he'd walked with her to and from the great hall a few times chatting about everything and nothing, their playful flirtation from the library gone after he'd realized she'd been trying to get him to make peace with Thor but still he'd sought her out. It strengthened her belief that he'd needed a friend and she was happy to be that for him while she was here.

"Well," he reached down, offering her a hand to pull her up behind him. "I thought you might like to let loose."

"And how will we be doing that?" Elora said, taking his hand and mounting behind him. As she settled in she felt his hand land on her bare knee, skirts having been pushed up to sit comfortably, as he turned to speak to her. This close the scent of leather and cypress invaded her brain and the heat from his touch turned her brain into a puddle.

"You'll see." His hand trailed up her leg, finding hers again and pulling it around his waist before grabbing the reins again and taking off.

A short ride later Loki came to a stop in Medina outside of a lively tavern from which music and singing could be heard.

"The lower city?" Elora asked as she slid from the horse and looked around.

"No better place to have a little fun." Loki tied the reins to a post and grabbed her hand pulling her along.

They entered the tavern and Loki pulled them towards the bar as Elora looked around. A small group played loud vibrant music from a small stage as people spun around on the dance floor. Every table was packed with smiling, laughing faces, some playing card, some dice and most just talking or clapping along to the music. She missed Asgard. She missed its people and their vivacity. Of course places like this existed on other worlds but it was never quite the same. Here it was almost as if the spirit of Asgard itself lived in its citizens and as it flourished so did they.

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