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Loki had awoken the day after the fête with a terrible headache and he was glad he had managed to wander back to his own rooms after his tryst with Fandral. He spent the entire day laying in bed and shooing away every servant who'd come to his door, the mere thought of anything other than water making his stomach turn. Somewhere deep in his mind he thought his illness, hangover, curse of death, whatever it was may be some type of universal karma for his actions last night but he wouldn't allow himself to look at that thought any deeper. No, as far as he was concerned he'd done Elora a favor as Fandral had been...less than and she deserved perfection. He shook his head, that thought too something he wasn't ready to look too closely at.

The second morning after the fête Loki managed to pull himself from his bed and make his way to breakfast but the chatter in the great hall set his teeth on edge and he'd decided he'd be better off to skip out on training of all sorts and hide among the books of the library before supping in his rooms again.

On the third day he was forced to don fine clothes and make his way back into castle life as the Vanaheim courtiers and dignitaries would be leaving and he had to attend the going away breakfast.

"Brother, how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence." Thor said as Loki took the seat beside him.

"I was told my attendance was required."

"That it is." Thor's tone was brusk and his words were clipped before he took a sip from his goblet.

Loki looked around the table. "Then could you explain why our dear sister is missing? If I have to be here to see off the visitors shouldn't she?"

Thor turned to his brother, his gaze hot with anger. "She doesn't need to say her goodbyes to Vanaheim so there is no need for her to be here."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I suppose you wouldn't have heard since you've been holed up in your rooms," Thor scoffed. "Yrsa will be leaving with the Vanaheim courtiers and staying with them for the foreseeable future."

Loki's eyes widened. "Why would she do that?"

"Because she's going with El who has decided to take a position in the ranks of Vanaheim's army healers. They are probably finishing up packing as we speak."


Elora had returned to her rooms for one last glance around, making sure she had everything she needed before she and Yrsa were to meet the Vanaheim group at the bifrost. She felt strange as she looked around to find all her personal items missing. The rooms that had been hers for nearly five hundred years no longer reflecting her presence. Satisfied that she had everything she would need she began to head for the door. Halfway across the receiving room the door swung open and Loki burst in.

"El," he said, almost breathless.

She felt herself start to scowl and stopped. Taking a deep breath she cutsied. "Your highness, did you need something?"

He shut the door before beginning to walk slowly toward her. "No, I just...Thor just informed me you're leaving for Vanaheim?"

"I am." She nodded.

"He said you're going to be an army healer?" He took a few more steps toward her and she just nodded again. "And that Yrsa will be joining you?"

"She will." It took all her strength to meet his gaze as he stopped in front of her.

Loki, standing in Elora's emptied rooms, had no idea what to say. She was leaving and he couldn't think of a way to stop her. "Do you have any idea of when you'll be returning?"

He watched as her jaw tightened before she spoke and he realized she was angry. "I imagine I'll return when Vanaheim has no more need for healers."

Oh she was beyond angry, she was livid. Had she found out about Fandral? Had the scoundrel gone around bragging. No that didn't make sense, he'd wanted to keep their encounter as quiet as Loki had for the same reasons. The woman in front of him.

"I imagine Vanaheim will alway be in need of healers," he said with a soft smile and she only continued to stare at him. "You know it's been a while since I've been to Vanaheim. Maybe once you're settled I could come and see you. Make sure you're keeping up on your magic lessons, maybe teach you another thing or two."

"There's no point in that, prince," she rolled her eyes and stepped around him, walking toward the door. She didn't look at him as she called out, "You'd only be wasting your time on a silly girl."

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