Chapter 11

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It was a lovely Sunday morning, Lenry was walking at the park while carrying his art supplies. He hope he could get something interesting in his surroundings, that was when he saw a beautiful fountain and decided to draw and paint that.

 He hope he could get something interesting in his surroundings, that was when he saw a beautiful fountain and decided to draw and paint that

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Just as he was about to paint, he was interrupted by someone. "It's fancy meeting you here Mr. Lenry." Said inspector Angelica who appeared at the dirt road for her morning walk.
Lenry: "Inspector Angelica, good morning. I see your getting energized in your walks."
Angelica: "What can I say... a police like me must always be alert."
Lenry: "Indeed."
Angelica: "How are the girls? Last I saw them was at the ice cream shop and miss Charlotte always picking fights..."
Lenry: "Clover went to meet someone at the church. Charlotte in the other hand is sick and is being cared by Cottontail."
Angelica: "I see.... I hope she gets well soon."
Lenry: "Yeah... how about you ma'am?"
Angelica: "Please call me Angelica, Mr. Lenry."
Lenry: "Alright, then please call me Lenry."
Angelica: "Okay, as for your question.... Well.... It's fine I guess in some sort of way. But Avelle freeing some goons and the ink boss annoying me 24/7....!"
Lenry was shocked hearing that.
Lenry: (Bendy?) "What did Ben-. I mean the ink boss do?"
Angelica: "Stealing fresh good ink, doing illegal trading, and bribing! Why do these toons corrupted the police!? It's rare we don't have any good toon police here!"
Lenry: "I understand how you feel Angelica, but sometimes life has some surprises which is not ready to reveal yet."
Angelica: "So true.... I'm also surprised that he has bought Abel on his side too...."
Lenry: "Whose Abel?"
Now that surprised Angelica. Lenry didn't know who Abel was.
Angelica: "You do not know who Abel is!?"
Lenry: "Um... no... I'm sorry, I don't how dangerous people are there in Silly town....!"
Angelica: "Don't be.... And he isn't dangerous. He actually a rebellious angel."
Lenry gasped in shock once more. An toon angel rebelling, there wasn't anything like that. Or so he thought."
Lenry: "A rebellious angel...!? That can't be...!"
Angelica: "Oh it is. His name is Abel the Rebel Angel, he isn't dangerous but he's strong."
Lenry: ".... What's his story?"
Angelica: "Hates his creators, especially those who don't consider things equal."
Lenry: "Isn't there any human that he's considered importance to him?"
Angelica: "I don't know much about him... like I said, this guy's story is much complicated than ours."
Lenry: "What was your creator like?"
Angelica: "Two humans. Believed I was a good demon cop."
Lenry: "Aren't you?"
Angelica: "Of course!"
Lenry: "Hehe.... Do you miss them?"
Angelica stayed silent and looked at the sky.
Angelica: "A lot.... But I can't again since we toons can't entered the human world anymore...."
Lenry: "How did the gate between the toon world and the human world closed?"
Angelica: "The creators abused the toons for power and fame. While humans who are not creators attack us for what we look like."
Lenry: "It's really hard to fit in isn't it?"
Angelica: "Yeah.... Sometimes you just wish that everything was right in your hands."
Lenry: "Maybe there's more to this. We just need to have faith in ourselves."
Angelica: ".... Your right."
A few more talks and Angelica said good buy to Lenry. Lenry almost finished his painting, and when he was done he waits for his painting to dry while he puts his art supply in his bag. But just as he was about to leave he bumps into someone causing the poor toon to fall down to the ground and drops his bag and canvas.
Lenry: "Ouch...!"
"Watch where your going you stupid brat...!" said a venomous voice to which Lenry flinched. He looked up to see a toon wearing a suit, his head was like a moon except he had a second mouth which is located on his left eye.

 He looked up to see a toon wearing a suit, his head was like a moon except he had a second mouth which is located on his left eye

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(My original drawing)
Seeing his cold right eye made Lenry shiver. He looked decent but deep down Lenry could sense something deadly inside this toon.
Lenry: "I-I... I-I'm so sorry sir...! I-I didn't mean too-."
Toon: "Shut it!"
Lenry flinched as he yelled.
Toon: "I don't need your whining. At least you didn't damage my new clothes...."
The toon looks at Lenry... he could've have sworn he had seen him somewhere, but he didn't bothered and growls at him.
Toon: "Whoever created must have made you so clumsy that you are trying to make a fool out of yourself!"
Now that made Lenry tear up.... How can this toon say that his creator made him as a mistake....
Toon: "What are you staring at? Scram!"
Lenry doesn't say anything and picks his things, he then gets up and apologizes to the toon by bowing to him before running away. The toon noticed Lenry crying which was odd and stupid.
Toon: (Why would this idiot cry? Isn't he a man...)
The toon continues to walk when suddenly he bumps into someone again. Only this time, this was someone he knew. "Grr.... What do you want...!? Ink boss..." said the toon as he stares at Benicio Drew who was smirking at him.
Bendy: "Oh nothing much... a little while ago I was informed by my lackeys that you came here without protection and was heading for the park. Tell me.... why is a man like you walking at the park with no bodyguards. Mr. Moon the moon boss."
That is right, the toon which Lenry bumped into was none other the moon boss himself.
Mr. Moon: "Can't this toon have some time to himself?"
Bendy: "By himself I hope you mean walking and looking at the scenery instead of smuggling goods into my turf... my territory."
Mr. Moon: "Hmph, what does this place have? Clearly you've forgotten that Chess City is more greater than Silly Town."
Bendy: "In case you've forgotten, Silly Town has more people, more business, more money. While Chess City has more of mafia's, frauds, killers, ink dealers...."
Mr. Moon was annoyed at Bendy's words but the devil himself was right. Silly town is more populated than Chess city. Bendy then walked past him, but just as he was about to leave he stopped and said something to Mr. Moon.
Bendy: "You maybe playing with the big boys now Mr. Moon.... But know this, if you ever break the rules here in toon world.... Then you'll be forgotten."
Mr. Moon growls but understood as he storms away.
With Lenry, he was running faster as his legs could take him, he was now at the middle of the street still crying.
Lenry: "-Sob- Stupid... stupid, stupid Lenry...! -sob- can't do anything right...! -sob—sob-.... Why can't I remember my creators....? W-what is my purpose....!?"
He continues to cry and starts walking. Suddenly, Lenry started to feel dizzy.
Lenry: "W-what's going on...!? W-why is-..."
He then collapsed on the ground.
Lenry: (Someone... anyone... help me....)
His prayers were heard.

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