Chapter 5

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"So this is what you do at my territory...?" said the deep voice. The Butcher Gang froze then shivered hearing the voice. Lenry couldn't see the person because it was dark, all he could see was red smoke and red ruby eyes.
???: "Is this how you treat innocent toons boys....!"
The Butcher gang's laughter turned into fear.
Charley: "O-o-of course not b-b-boss....!"
Charley and Barley helped the young toon get back up and dusted his clothes.
Barley: "W-we were j-just playing with him for a bit.... Nothing more...."
Lenry: (Liars....)
"What?! We were? But I thought you said we were going to beat the crap out of him and make him tell us where the cupid is?" said Edgar who is a bit confused in why the two of them were acting strangely. It was then he got smacked in the by Charley and Barley.
Edgar: "What?! What did I say!?"
???: "I think I've heard enough.... I hope you didn't forget in what I did you last time if you harm someone who isn't in my list...?!? Or do you want me to make you buys remember it....?"
"NO!!" yelled the Butcher Gang who were terrified in what happened to them the last time.
???: "Good.... Now get out of my site or I'll change my mind in sparing you three....!"
Without any question or hesitation, the Butcher Gang ran for their life screaming. "If I ever see them doing that again, I'll sent them to hell...!" said the person who is still around.
???: "You all right there?"
"Y-yes, thank for saving mister-." But when Lenry turned around, he finally saw the person coming out of the shadows. He was demon, with glowing red eyes, minor scars on his face, red bow tie, red smoke coming out from his cigarette, and is holding a gun.

 He was demon, with glowing red eyes, minor scars on his face, red bow tie, red smoke coming out from his cigarette, and is holding a gun

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(My original drawing)
For some reason, this toon almost looked familiar... then his vision started getting blurry. He saw a kid watching a toon dancing on the big screen. Toon was called Bendy the Dancing Demon which almost looked like the same toon who is standing in front. He came back to reality.
Lenry: "Bendy...."
The toon demon's red eye color turned to normal black, then he stared at Lenry in surprise before smirking.
Bendy: "I haven't heard that name in a long time... no one calls me that other than my companions. But..."
He lifts Lenry's chin up and goes closer to his face. "I'll make an exception for you~..." said the demon as he smoked at Lenry's face. Lenry backed away from and coughed at the same time.
Lenry: "-Cough—cough- w-what....!? Excuse me sir -cough-... but may I know who you are....?"
Bendy: "Why how rude of me.... The name is Benicio Drew, but my friends and brother call me Bendy for short doll face."
Lenry: "Doll face....?"
Bendy: "So tell me doll, your new around here...?"
Lenry: "First of all my name is not doll....! And second yes I am, I just moved here six days ago."
Bendy: "I see.... No wonder I sensed a fresh new ink in you."
Bendy goes closer to his face again and licked his cheek. The bow blushed in red to what the demon did.
Lenry: "W-wha...!?"
Bendy: "Hm... your smell and you taste is very.... Intoxicating~...."
"O-okay I don't know who you are... but-but I'd like you stop....!" Said Lenry as he once again backed away from Bendy and feeling a little disgusted by his action.
Bendy: "Careful now doll.... You don't know who your messing with."
Lenry: "I may not know who you are.... But I'm not someone who has fancied anyone's interest....! So if you will excuse me.... I must be going....!"
Lenry walked passed him, not facing the demon. Bendy on the other hand was astonished that this toon wasn't frightened of him... maybe a bit but it didn't mean he would boss this toon like how he did with the others. Bendy smirked and hoped to see Lenry in the mere future.... This toon was his....
Back with Lenry, he was huffing like anything after what that demon did. But he wonder how he recognised him when he just met him.
Lenry: (Is my memory slowly coming back to me...?)
"Hey there Lenry! I finally found you." Said Dasher who once again stumbles into Lenry.
Lenry: "Dasher, it's nice to see again."
Dasher: "You too buddy. How are ya and the gals?"
Lenry: "The girls are doing fine. They just went to visit their friend that is in the north section."
Dasher and Lenry started walking and talking.
Dasher: "That's great to hear."
Lenry: "Yeah...."
Dasher: "You alright Lenry? You look pale and tired..."
Lenry: "I-I'm fine Dasher.... Just a bit tired."
Dasher: "No your not. Your not gonna fool this cupid, I can tell your lying."
Lenry: "-Sigh-.... I bumped into the Butcher Gang this morning."
Dasher stopped and stared at Lenry in shock. He then panics and grabbed his shoulders.
Dasher: "AreyoualrightdidtheyhurtyouIamsosorryitsmyfaultIshouldnothavewritten-!!"
Lenry: "D-Dasher c-c-calm down...! And s-stop shaking me....!"
Dasher stopped and looks at Lenry with a worried look.
Dasher: "I'm so sorry Lenry! I shouldn't have let you got into this mess!"
Lenry: "Dasher please calm down... I wasn't going to let them harm you. And will never rattle on my friends."
Dasher: "Lenry...!"
Lenry: "Besides they harmed me. Someone came and rescued me in time before Barley was about to punch me."
Dasher: "Really he must be real hero to save a sweet person like you."
Lenry made a sour frown on his face.
Lenry: "Not really Dasher. That guy was a huge jerk... blew smoke on my face and licked at my cheek.... It really creeped me out."
Dasher: "Yikes, so he isn't nice at all... did he tell you his name? Perhaps I might know this toon your referring to."
Lenry: "Yeah he did.... And for some reason he looked familiar to me...?"
Dasher: "Well then spill!"
Lenry: "Benicio Drew, but he said I could call him Bendy for short."
Dasher gasped and froze in who Lenry just mentioned. "Benecio....? As in the Benecio Drew you bumped into....!?" Whispered Dasher who was frightened which worried Lenry.
Lenry: "Um... yes. Why? What's wrong Dasher?"
Dasher doesn't say anything and grabbed Lenry's hand and drags him someplace safe. They soon arrived at the park where little people where seen.

 They soon arrived at the park where little people where seen

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Lenry: "Okay Dasher why are we here....?"
Dasher: "I don't want unwanted attention from you and me."
Lenry: "Is Bendy that much of a bad news...?"
Dasher: "Shh! Shh! Don't say it out loud...! You might a wanted target if anyone hears you...!"
Lenry flinched hearing this.
Lenry: "Who is... this demon...?"
Dasher: ".... That demon you met.... Is the Ink boss...."
Lenry's eyes shrank in fear and backed away with a frightened expression.
Lenry: "W-what...?"
Dasher: "It's true. I know a few demons but this demon is well know in this town. People would just call him sir or lord."
Lenry: "Why....?"
Dasher: "Huh?"
Lenry: "W-why did he help me...? I'm just an outsider....?"
Dasher: "The Ink boss is doesn't trust anyone other his brother and friends. He hates liars, backstabbers, his enemies messing with him and his family, talking about his past like that stuff."
Lenry: "You sure know a lot about him..."
Dasher: "I'm a report it's what I do. But I don't write anything about him or his companions otherwise I'll get shot in the head..."
Lenry was a little scared on that.
Lenry: "So what now Dasher...? I said things in mind. I'm sure he'll hunt me down..."
Dasher: "I'm pretty sure he'll just annoy you. Just bow to him and say your sorry and yes sir. And never, I repeat never ever go on his bad side...!"
Lenry: "Understood...."
Lenry and Dasher continued walking at the park. The boy hoped that he won't bump at the ink demon and never meet him again. Or so he thought...

Mafia Bendy (Batim x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now