Chapter 10

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"R-r-really...!?" said Cottontail has she got the gift from Lenry which was Alice's autograph.
Lenry: "Yeah, miss Alice and I became friends and was happy to hear that you are her fans."
Hearing this, Cottontail blushed and hid her face. Just then Dasher slammed the door which made everyone jumped in fright.
Charlotte: "Dang it Dasher! Open the door slowly!!"
But Dasher didn't listen and hid behind Lenry.
Dasher: "Save me Lenry! Save me from the crazy toon!!"
Lenry: "What are you talking about Dasher?"
That was when Avelle appeared at the door.
Avelle: "I know your there you stupid cupid...!"
That's when he saw Lenry.
Avelle: "Lenry! What are you doing here?"
Lenry: "I work here Avelle. Why are you here?"
Dasher: "Don't listen to anything he says Lenry! That guy's pure evil....!"
Avelle: "Oh shut up! I said I wanted to talk to you but you immediately ran away when I approached you."
Dasher: "That's because your bad news!"
Avelle: "Am not!"
Lenry: "Enough!"
The two of them got quiet when Lenry yelled.
Lenry: "Both of you are acting like children. If you want to fight somewhere then do it outside and not in my shop...."
Lenry then looks at Dasher.
Lenry: "Why were you running away from Avelle?"
Dasher: "Are you kidding me Lenry!? This guy is a money grubber jerk!"
Avelle: "Hey!"
Dasher: "He's helps bad people which are wanted criminals, mafias, and backstabbing frauds!"
Avelle: "Oh come on! I also help the good people."
Dasher: "Yeah.... If they have the right amount of cash you need. Which they don't!"
Lenry: "Is that why you ran away from him?"
Dasher: "No.... It's because whoever interacts with the guy ends up getting into trouble or dead!"
Avelle: "Ok, that is not true you stupid baby."
Dasher: "Excuse me! I. Am. A. CUPID!!!"
Lenry: "Stop!!"
They once again stayed silent thanks to Lenry.
Lenry: "Why did you want to talk to him?"
Avelle: "It's personal business."
Lenry: "Avelle, Dasher won't come out unless you tell what it is. He trust me more than he can trust anyone else."
Dasher: "That's right! And if you come any closer then he's gonna throw pie at your face!"
"And you have to grow through me too." Said Charlotte who looks like she ready to fight.
Avelle: "And you are?"
Charlotte: "Charlotte. If you hurt my boss then your gonna have to deal with me....!"
Avelle: "So these are servants Lenry?"
Lenry: "Staff members Avelle. And please respect them."
Avelle: "Fine, fine..."
Lenry: "So may you tells us now why were you chasing after Dasher?"
Avelle: ".... I wanted to know if he wrote anything about the moon boss."
The girls gasped while Lenry's pupil shrank and looked at Dasher who was quivering in fear.
Dasher: "T-t-t-that's why y-your h-h-here...!"
Avelle: "Yes, so do you have it?"
Dasher: "No! Why would I write anything about the moon boss you idiot!?! I could easily get killed!!"
Avelle: "I know your lying cupid. So quit wasting my time."
Lenry: "Didn't he say he doesn't have it."
Avelle: "Are you trying to defend him Lenry? You know I'm a lawyer while you're just a shopkeeper."
Lenry: "And you know very well it's wrong to pressure or threaten someone who doesn't want to get involved with your work."
Avelle: "Is that so... then how about we make a deal."
"Lenry won't be doing any deal works with you Mr. Avelle." Said Clover who leaves the cashier. Avelle was about to tell her not to get in the way when his words were gone as he saw a cute little angel girl looking at him with a serious face.
Avelle: "A-and who are you?"
Clover: "My name is Clover the angel. And I would like you stop threating my fellow angel friend, he told yo very well that he doesn't know anything about the moon boss."
Avelle: "What if your angel fellow here is lying?"
Clover: "I can assure you; we angels never lie."
Clover and Avelle kept staring at each other when Lenry cuts him off.
Lenry: "Avelle, look for someone else who has intention on revealing moon boss. Don't drag cupid at this anymore."
Avelle: ".... -Sigh-, fine then."
Avelle goes to the exit. But before leaving he gives one look at Clover and smirks before leaving. When he left, Dasher sighed in relief.
Dasher: "Thank you so much you guys. I don't what would have happen to me if he made me spit out the information."
Charlotte: "Wait a minute! Are you saying you have moon boss's information!?!"
Dasher: "Calm down. There's only a little about this guy, so I don't think it will help for that lawyer."
Charlotte: "Then why didn't ya tell him that you have little about the boss instead of dropping in like a cannon ball!"
Dasher: "I'm sorry, what was I expecting? An ice cream man selling new flavoured ice cream or an evil lawyer that can give nothing but trouble whether it is big or small!"
Lenry: "Alright, enough both of you. What's done is done, Avelle won't come and bother you anymore Dasher. So you can head back."
Cottontail: "W-w-wait a m-m-moment....! D-D-Dasher... does A-A-Avelle k-know that your-you're the S-Secret Angel...?"
Dasher: "Nope, he's knows that I work for the newspaper report. He doesn't know my identity yet."
Lenry: "But you should be careful Lenry. I heard from inspector Angelica that he can know easily what the toons really are with a snap of his finger."
Dasher gulped hearing that.
Dasher: "Y-yeah.... I hope he doesn't know who I really am...!"
With Avelle, he was heading to the bar when stopped him. "Did ya get what we needed?" said a voice, the half toon demon turned around to see Bendy and Ben.
Avelle: "Benicio and Bernando Drew. It's nice to finally see you two."
Ben: "Now don't be sour.... How is our sweet little toon~....?"
Avelle: "Why you...!?"
Avelle growls at them. He hated how the brothers make fun of his height even though he is an excellent lawyer.
Bendy: "Easy there buddy. We just wanted to know if you got what we wanted?"
Avelle: "Unfortunately no.... That cupid couldn't give it since he's frightened of.... Mr. Moon."
Bendy and Ben snarled at the name. Mr. Moon was the moon boss every toon was referring to, Bendy considers him as an annoyance and a rival.
Bendy: "Is that why he ran to Lenry's store?"
Avelle: "You know who that toon is?"
Ben: "He's Bendy's lover -fufufu-...."
Avelle: "What!?"
Bendy: "Shut it!"
He then grabbed Avelle by the collar and pulled his face closer to his.
Avelle: "H-hey!"
Bendy: "I'm warning ya Avelle. I don't want any harm coming to my Lenry...! I already know that he's friends with that cupid."
Avelle: "Alright, alright...! I won't harm your little precious."
Bendy: "Good."
Ben: "Now back to business. Can you get information in someone else?"
Avelle: "The Secret Angel knows about it. but his identity is well hidden. So it might take time finding that information you boys need."
Bendy growls while Ben frowns.
Ben: "And I thought you were the world's best lawyer?"
Avelle: "I am...! The world's best lawyer...."
Ben: "Well then you need to hurry. From what are spies told us. That guy is doing something which he isn't supposed to do....!"
Avelle: "-Gasp-! You're not saying..."
Bendy: "You know it. So better hurry up and fast...!"
Avelle: "But Mr. Moon does know about the toon law right...!?!"
Ben: "In all honesty speaking. I don't think that guy is in his right mind now."
Avelle got worried. Meanwhile with Lenry, he was heading at the milkshake shop where he was excited to meet a certain toon. He arrived at Sweet Candy shop. "Welcome to Sweet Candy shop how may I help you.?" Said a toon cup girl with a cream like hair.

?" Said a toon cup girl with a cream like hair

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(My original drawing)
Lenry: "Long time no see.... Lady Milkshake."
The toon girl named Lady Milkshake gasped seeing Lenry. She runs up to him and gives him a hug.
Lady Milkshake: "Lenry! Oh my goodness! I'm so happy that I found you at last!!!"
Lenry: "Sister Carol wrote a letter saying that you were coming here to do business also. I was surprised that you wanted to start your second business here."
Lady Milkshake: "Yeah well, it wasn't the same at Cotton Hills after you left. It was completely boring and Arnold would keep on coming to my shop for money."
Lenry got worried.
Lenry: "Did you give him....?"
Lady Milkshake: "Of course not! I'm not stupid. I know very well what the goons said and I'm not ready to die yet!"
Lenry: "Uh.... You do know Silly Town is also a little dangerous too right?"
Lady Milkshake: "Yep, but it makes great money here. It's way better than Inkwell Island."
Lenry: "What do mean? What happened there?"
Lady Milkshake went to the counter and explained while making her milkshakes.
Lady Milkshake: "You've heard of the Devil that runs the Devil Casino, right?"
Lenry nods.
Lenry: "Yeah, that demon makes a deal with for gambling. If you win you are spared however if you lose..."
Lady Milkshake: "Your soul is taken. Well that what happened to two cups however they defeated him."
Lenry: "What!?"
Lady Milkshake: "You heard me. The Devil is gone and so is the casino."
Lenry: "What about those two cups? What are their names?"
Lady Milkshake: "Nobody knows. All I heard was that they are heroes at Inkwell Island."
Lenry: "Woah...!"
"And done." Said Lady Milkshake as she added a cherry on the top on the chocolate milkshake she made.

" Said Lady Milkshake as she added a cherry on the top on the chocolate milkshake she made

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Lady Milkshake: "A cream chocolate Milkshake to a sweet man."
Lenry: "Aw... thank you Lady Milkshake but I don't have any money..."
Lady Milkshake: "I don't need the money. Take it for meeting with me."
Lenry smiled and takes the milkshake.
Lenry: "Feel free to visit my shop whenever you need dresses or cakes or toys."
Lady Milkshake: "-Fufufu- of course dearie."

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