Chapter 8

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Yesterday was rough and a surprising day Lenry when he met Boris and the demon brothers. The toon learned that Boris was a sweet wolf and wondered why he was helping Bendy and Ben. "Earth to Lenry ya there?" said Charlotte as she snapped Lenry from his trance.
Lenry: "H-huh...!?"
Charlotte: "You've spacing out all the time, what wrong?"
Lenry: "O-oh... sorry Charlotte.... It's just.... It's just a lot has happened to me..."
Charlotte: "Like?"
Lenry: "I... I had this dream.... Where I was all alone and stuck in a place..."
Now that made Charlotte shivered hearing that.
Charlotte: "Could it be that you were drowning in ink which mafias use to suffer innocent or not innocent toons...!?!"
Lenry: "I thought the ink helps us heal our injures....? Make us new again..."
Charlotte: "Only if you use it a little and not too much. One time, I read in a newspaper that a toon died while getting drowned in a pool of ink. Then that toon turned into a monster!"
Lenry: "Yikes...!"
Charlotte: "But it immediately died afterwards.... Ever since then all the toons are making sure they don't repeat the same mistake and don't get themselves involved in these things."
Lenry: "Is... is there anyone who doesn't follow it...?"
Charlotte: "I think the Moon boss does, even though his partner keeps telling him not to."
Lenry noted himself to never meet the Moon boss since he already met the Ink boss. That was when he remembered about Ben.
Lenry: "Charlotte do you know anything about Ben- I mean the Ink boss's brother."
Charlotte stopped in whatever she was doing and looked at Lenry with a shocked expression.
Charlotte: "You saw Benardo Drew!?!"
Lenry doesn't say anything but nods.
Charlotte: ".... Not much, all I know is that he is the Ink boss's right-hand man and second in command in the Drew Mafia. I wouldn't get close to him though..."
Lenry: "Why...?"
Charlotte: "Benardo Drew or some people like to call him the Shadow demon is very sly and cunning. Unlike is brother, he shows no mercy to anyone... mess with him and ya end up turning into a puddle of ink."
Lenry flinched hearing that, Charlotte continued.
Charlotte: "The only person who is able to control him is the Ink boss, Doctor Boris, and miss Alice Angel his girlfriend."
Lenry: "Alice Angel...? You mean the famous singer...?"
Charlotte: "You know her?"
Lenry nods.
Lenry: "Dasher took me to the seafood restaurant where we saw her performing live at the stage."
Charlotte: "If Cottontail heard this then she would be jealous. She a huge fan of Alice Angel."
Lenry: "But won't miss Alice be vulnerable if anyone knew about this?"
Charlotte: "You think the Shadow demon is stupid? No, he knew Alice loves to sing and perform. Plus she is a good fighter if any thug messes with that angel."
Lenry: "Woah...! And I thought angels weren't the type to fight."
Charlotte: "Some don't follow the heavenly rules. Alice sometimes follows the rules but she loves the Shadow demon and would do anything for him."
Lenry: "I see...."
"Now, less talking and more getting back to work! I promised Clover that once I finished this I could I have break at last!" said Charlotte with determination in her eyes, Lenry chuckled and nodded.
Meanwhile at Bendy's estate, Ben comes back and enters Bendy's office. He sees his brother cleaning his guns and knives.
Bendy: "Well....? Did get what I asked?"
Ben: "It took some time to find what you were asking... but at last I got it."
He pulled out a file that had information which Bendy wanted.

"He pulled out a file that had information which Bendy wanted

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