Chapter 6

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"YOU MET WHO AGAIN!?!" shouted Charlotte, she and the girls came back from their friend's house yesterday night, her jaws dropped in shock. Clover and Cottontail in the other hand were worried about Lenry if he was alright as he told them who he met.
Cottontail: "A-a-are you a-al-alright Lenry....?"
Lenry: "I'm fine. The Butcher Gang didn't hit me when he showed up."
Charlotte: "Forget about them! The person we should is the Ink boss!"
Clover: "Hate to say this but Charlotte is right. The Ink boss will now search for you if you either insulted him or repay him back."
Charlotte: "Clover! How much money do we have!?"
Clover: "200$."
Cottontail: "B-b-but is that e-e-enough...!?"
Charlotte: "She's right! We need more!"
But Lenry stops her.
Lenry: "Enough Charlotte. I will be the one paying him. Not you girls, he is only in search of me."
Clover: "But Lenry..."
Lenry: "I don't want you girls to get involve in my problem. I don't care if I get hurt or die. As long you three and Dasher are fine that's what all that matters."
The girls were touched by Lenry's words. Clover and Cottontail teared up a bit before running towards him and hugged him. Charlotte huffed and blushed a bit before joining the group hug.
Charlotte: "No matter what Lenry. We're with you."
Clover and Cottontail nodded in agreement.
Lenry: "Heh... thanks girls."
Later at noon, Lenry went out to buy some supplies for the shop.
Lenry: "Maybe I'll ask Hector for more papers. We them for the little ones."
Lenry then entered the library to check if there was any copied books he could take. He went to the librarian who was sitting at her desk and reading one of the books.
Lenry: "Good afternoon Mrs. Worm. Is there any copied books I can buy?"
Mrs. Worm: "Your in luck Lenry. Two copied arrived just two days ago. Moby Dick written by Herman Melville and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare."
Lenry: "Great, I'll take them."
Mrs. Worm: "Unfortunately they are at the East Wing. You need to get them on your own."
Lenry: "That's alright I'll find them at the East Wing. Plus I like to read one of the books today."
Mrs. Worm nodded and watched Lenry head to the East Wing. The young toon loved coming to the library even there are less people coming here. Lenry found the two copied books and a romance book which he found interesting, but just as he was about to leave he saw a small toon struggling to reach a book that he was trying to get. Lenry decided to help him out.
Lenry: "Need help with that?"
He pulls the book out and hands to him, only to realise the book he was giving to is Avelle the Toon Lawyer. Avelle glares at him before snatching the book from Lenry and leaving.
Lenry: (Rude....)
Lenry doesn't say anything and goes to the table to read his romance novel. Ten minutes later, someone disturbs him. "Are you kidding me...!?" whispered and yelled the toon, Lenry puts the book down and sees Avelle in front with a sour look.
Avelle: "Of all the places to be empty I find you sitting here...!"
Lenry: "Is there anything you need Mr. Avelle...?"
Avelle: "Nothing from you...! Be a good boy and don't disturb or distract me when I'm reading and doing my research... is that clear....!?"
Lenry: (What's with him?) :Uh... yes..."
Avelle: "Good..."
Lenry shakes his head slowly and continues to read the book. Avelle in other hand was reading the Law-and-Order book and was taking some notes, that was when he noticed Lenry reading a romance book. Curiosity got the best of him, he asked Lenry a question.
Avelle: "Why is a toon boy like you interested in romance novels...?"
Lenry: ".... Um, because I like it..."
Avelle: "Eh...? Aren't you making your business expand or something...? Or how to handle goonies or using a gun....?"
Lenry: "I'm fine with what I have. I don't like violence... and I never used a gun in my entire life and planning not to."
Avelle: "Are you serious....!? You do know that this place isn't filled sunshine and rainbows pal...."
Lenry: "I know. So I plan on avoiding goons."
Avelle couldn't believe what he was hearing... clearing this toon wasn't the type who likes to fight like most toons or doesn't want to be rich and famous. "Most toons would be happy in hearing their names across the Toon World." Mumbled Avelle as he continues reading his book. Lenry just smiled.
Lenry: "True... but to me being alive and learning things is more that matters."
Now that surprised Avelle... no one has ever said that. He stares at Lenry in what he meant while the young man continued.
Lenry: "Where I come from, the toons in my town say that unique unlike everyone. But does this gift mean I have to use them to take over the town....? No, I continued to learn and help... yes everyone has intentions and they were created by famous people.... But does that mean you abuse this power when your creators created you with love and care....?"
Avelle: ".... Most toons had it rough with their creators that they ended them."
Lenry: "Yes but there are some creators who love and fight for their creations. They would watch them continue to spread their joy until they turn old...."
Avelle: "You're a weird one I'll give you that.... Got a name?"
Lenry: "It's Lenry."
Avelle: "Lenry huh? Whose your creator?"
Lenry: "It's... a bit complicated.... And I don't want to talk about it."
Avelle then pulls his business card and hands it to Lenry.
Avelle: "Here's my card. If you need any help and all with the law here."
Lenry: "Um.... Thanks, but I already know the rules of this town."
Avelle: "But do you know how to handle mafias...?"
Now that made Lenry shake his head.
Avelle: "Like I said, you might need this. But in order to help you, I need the right amount of price for doing the dirty work..."
Lenry: (This guy only thinks about money.... He kinda reminds me of someone.) "I'll think about it Mr. Avelle. Have a good day."
Lenry gets up and takes his books before leaving.
Avelle: (What an odd toon...? I need to look on him...)
Lenry said goodbye to Mrs. Worm and exited the library. "Well, well, we meet again." Said familiar voice to which Lenry hoped not to meet. He couldn't ignore it so he turned around and sees Bendy walking up to him.
Bendy: "Howdy doll face. The last time we met is at the alleyway..."
Lenry: "Um...."
Bendy: "Oh... scared of me now that you know who I am...?"
Lenry: "Mr. Drew.... Sorry what I said the other day... I... I didn't know who you were...."
Bendy frowned when Lenry mentioned his last name. He wanted him to call him Bendy.
Bendy: "Doll face, doll face, doll face.... Didn't I say I'd make an exception in you calling me by Bendy..."
Lenry: ".... Is there anything I can do for you Mr Dre- I mean Mr. Bendy....?"
Bendy: "I was hoping you go out dinner with me. Just the two of us."
Lenry: "It is wonderful but I must decline, I have a lot of work to do...."
Now Bendy didn't take no for an answer. He grabbed Lenry's wrist, the young toon panicked and tries to get off of his grabs.
Bendy: "Now I won't take no for an answer doll face...!!"
Lenry: "P-please l-let m-m-me g-g-go....!"
Bendy: "Not until you go out with me..."
With no other option, he bites the demon's arm which made Bendy yelped in pain and let go of him.
Bendy: "OW!!"
Lenry then starts to run away from the Ink boss.
Bendy: "Get back here doll face we're not done!!"
But Lenry didn't listen and continued running, he thought he was gonna escape from Bendy; but unfortunately for him one of the thugs saw him being chased by the Ink boss. He immediately told it to his pals and they came up with a master plan to capture him. Soon Lenry approached to a dead end.
Lenry: ".... Did he... gave up...?"
"Don't underestimate me doll face." Said Bendy who appeared out of nowhere and made Lenry jumped with fright.
Bendy: "So how are you gonna pay me now after that stunt you pulled?"
Lenry: "Why can't you understand that you can't force people...!?"
Bendy: "Doll face I get what I want...."
Lenry: "What does that even mean....?!?"
"We finally managed to find you Ink boss!" said the thug boss who came with ten goons.
Thug boss: "Listen up Benicio! Give up for you are outnumbered!"
Bendy growls and places Lenry behind him.
Bendy: "And why should I surrender...!? Clearly you boys don't know what I'm capable of...."
Thug boss: "But are you gonna let that pipsqueak be your shield...?"
The thug points at Lenry to which he flinched, then Bendy whispered something to Lenry.
Bendy: "Hide somewhere while I take care these fools...."
Lenry: "Alone....!? You can't beat 11 of them....!"
Bendy: "Doll face, I'm the Ink boss. And I'll show you how I got this title...."
Lenry didn't say anything and hide behind the trash cans. The thugs charged at Bendy, the demon smirks and attacks them. He punches two thugs in the gut and three of them in the face. Lenry was surprised how the demon was handling it. The fight was about to get over when Lenry suddenly saw the thug boss pulling his gun and pointing it behind Bendy who wasn't looking. That was when something inside Lenry snapped.... His angel wings and halo appeared. With Bendy, he knocked out the last goon out. He turned to check on Lenry only to see the thug boss smirking at him and pointing his gun at the demon.
Thug boss: "Say your prayers devil."
Suddenly, a huge lump of fire was shot at the thug boss. He yelped in pain and was running around like crazy trying to extinguish the fire in his body. Both Bendy and th thugs got surprised in what they saw... where did the fire come from.... That was when Bendy saw Lenry's angelic form and was hiding behind the scene.
Bendy: (Did he do that...!? And he's an angel too!?)
Bendy shrugs it off and turns to the goons with a deadly glare.
Bendy: "I suggest you take your boss and leave. Otherwise you will get the same treatment."
Frightened by his tone they all ran away, leaving their boss to suffer. Lenry turns back normal and sprays water on the thug boss.
Thug boss: "Am I being spared by the heavens...?"
Lenry: "Sir... you need to leave while you have the chance...."
The thug boss nodded and runs away as well. "Why did you do that?" asked Bendy who curious in why he spared the thug.
Lenry: "Because.... Because everyone deserve a second chance..."
Bendy: "What are you...? An angel?"
But before Lenry could say anything, he slowly started to feel dizzy.
Lenry: (Oh no...! I... I used too much...!)
Bendy: "You alright there doll face? You look... droopy...?"
Lenry: "I.... I..."
Lenry was about to hit the ground if Bendy didn't saved his fall.
Bendy: "H-hey! Doll face!?"
"I'm sorry...." Said Lenry as he fainted.
Bendy: (Why are you sorry for? Just who exactly are you...?)
Bendy doesn't say anything and carries the young toon back to his home. he then calls a certain friend to check on Lenry.

Mafia Bendy (Batim x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now