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A night at Tarabiscoville. Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos were riding around on their Ninja Bus looking for something to steal when an Asian-armored figure suddenly appeared on the road. Before the ninjas could react, the figure drew its sword and charged forward, slicing the bus in half while leaving the passengers unscathed. Before Night Ninja could question the figure, as he and his Ninjalinos exited the bus, it simply vanished into the darkness.

The next day, the PJ Masks were strolling around the park when they suddenly found slash marks on the nearby trees.

"By my cat's whiskers! Who could've done this?" Connor asked.

"We'll find out tonight." Amaya stated. "PJ Masks, we're on our way!"

"Into the night to save the day!" They chanted in unison.

The following night, they entered the HQ to see what was up.

"What have you got, PJ Robot?" Gekko asked. PJ Robot checked the PJ Picture Player for last night's incidents. It showed an Asian-armored figure training with a sword at the park, leaving slash marks. It also showed the same figure attacking the Ninja Bus.

"There's only one person we know who's daring enough to pull something like that off." Owlette said with a determined expression.

Meanwhile, in Octobella's lair, Vlad was in the middle of polishing Octobella's crystals. But he wasn't as docile as Armadylan (Octobella's Garden), and grew frustrated with her unhelpfulness.

"Are you going to give me a hand or what?" He asked, his English starting to improve.

"I think you're doing fine on your own." She replied. "I'll help you out when I feel like you need it." Vlad stopped what he was doing and stood up.

"You are just trying to take advantage of me, aren't you?" He demanded, to which she put an innocent face.

"Whaaaat? That's quite a strong accusation."

"I've had enough of this. Either we scrub these crystals together, or we don't scrub them at all." Vlad threatened.

"You have the right to demand nothing." Octobella backfired. "Either you polish my crystals, or it's back to the cellar with you." Vlad stares at her for a while before giving his response.

"Alright." He calmly replied before walking back to the cellar.

"Wait, what?" She asked in confusion. "You do realize you could stay in there forever, right?"

"I have all the time in the world." He replied, sitting down on the bench in a lotus pose. But just as Octobella was about to close the cellar door, the PJ Masks burst into the lair in their diving suits.

"PJ Pests? What are you doing here?" Octobella demanded.

"Yeah. Can't you see we are trying to argue?" Vlad added.

"We have a couple of questions." Catboy stated. "Starting with the reason why you've been sneaking out at night causing trouble."

"What are you talking about?" Octobella asked in confusion. "He's been in my lair the whole time."

"She's right. I couldn't leave if I wanted to." Vlad added.

"That's funny. Because the troublemaker we're looking for has your fighting style, Vlad." Owlette argued.

PJ Masks: Strangers in a Strange LandWhere stories live. Discover now