Meet Nightingale

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It was a usual night in Tarabiscoville. The whole town was asleep and evil was lurking on the streets. If there is one night the PJ Masks are not on their usual patrol, it's because there is no trouble at the moment. Every villain was minding their own business. The Wolfy Kids were on the playground doing whatever it is they do when they're not focused causing trouble. Suddenly they heard someone whistling 'Peter and the Wolf' nearby, followed by an imitation of the bassoon representing Grandpa. They turned around to see an 8-year-old looking kid dressed in a patchwork of Old East Slavic clothing, including an old-fashioned fur cap, and a winter coat partly decorated with Slavic patterns, entering the scene. He had longish hair that reached down to the base of his neck, indicating he's been living off the grid.

"You know, back home we not like wolves that cause trouble." He spoke with a heavy Russian accent. "After all, wolf is villain of every story."

"Ah, who are you?" Howler asked.

"I go by name 'Nightingale'." The boy answered.

"And why do they call you that?"

"Because of my whistling talent." Nightingale explained, earning a laugh from the three.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Whistle us a lullaby?" Rip mocked. And just as she and her brothers were about to throw the first howl, Nightingale whistled at such a high frequency that it disoriented the three werewolves, giving him an opportunity to send each of them hurling backwards.

"And now," he began, "pray for mercy from Nightingale the Bandit."

The next day, Connor, Amaya and Greg were walking around the park while enjoying friendly conversations.

"Have you been hearing the news lately?" Connor asked his friends. "About Russian kids having to move to other countries and then running away from their new homes?"

"Yeah. It's kinda sad, actually." Amaya responded. "I hope they're not getting into too much trouble out there."

"You think one might actually come to this city?" Greg asked worryingly.

"Well, if they do, we'll be sure to help them out." Connor assured him. It's not as if they'd be risking exposure or something. Who's gonna believe a bunch of outcasts. Suddenly, they noticed a strange wooden structure that looked like some kind of a bunker, surrounded by paw-prints. Their first  conclusion was that the Wolfies had something to do with this.

"It looks like they're trying to protect themselves from something." Amaya suggested.

"And we need to find out what." Connor declared, and the group chanted their signature phrase.

"PJ Masks, we're on our way into the night to save the day!"

Later that night, the three heroes were at the HQ monitoring the PJ Picture Player. It showed the Wolfies hiding in their wooden 'bunker', obviously afraid of something. The PJ Masks entered the Cat Car (which they always seem to ride when patrolling the park) and drove straight to the location of the bunker.

"What are you up to, Wolfies?" Catboy asked.

"What does it look like? We're hiding!" Howler responded.

"There's a new bad guy in town. And he's no joke!" Rip explained.

"A new bad guy?" Owlette questioned.

"A forest-dwelling bandit who calls himself Nightingale." Howler continued. "Beware of his whistling." The PJs knew that whenever a new villain showed up, their overconfidence has always led them to trouble. This time they had to be extra cautious.

PJ Masks: Strangers in a Strange LandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang