Kalin's Conquest Part 1; Iron Sharpens Iron

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The scene begins with the Wolfies playing around in the park when, suddenly, someone picked each of them off with a paintball gun. The shooter came out from behind the bushes and was revealed to be a kid dressed in a camouflage cloak, his face concealed under the hood. He walked towards them and spoke quietly with a Russian accent.

"Strength of character overcomes strength of numbers." Then he turned to his side and walked away, leaving the three werewolves puzzled.

"Who is that kid?" Howler wondered aloud.

The next day, Connor, Amaya and Greg were on their way to have a paintball tournament with their classmates. But once they arrived at the field, they were disappointed to learn from their teacher that it was cancelled, as all the equipment was stolen the previous night.

"Could it be Night Ninja?" Greg asked.

"I don't see any Ninjalino footprints." Amaya replied. "Besides, since when does Night Ninja have interest in paintball guns?"

"Well, he's always up to something." Connor said. "We need to investigate. PJ Masks, we're on our way!"

"Into the night to save the day!" They all cheered in a choir.

The following night, the PJ Masks were investigating the park, as it was a perfect place for paintball practice. There was no sign of Night Ninja or his Ninjalinos. Suddenly, they were ambushed by wooden practice dummies, all armed with paintball guns. The PJs managed to avoid the incoming shots, as the dummies were all shooting in one specific direction.

"Starting to think it isn't Night Ninja!" Gekko called out, before using one of his Gekko Shields to take out a nearby dummy. Then one by one, the trio managed to take out all the dummies without getting hit. But before they could celebrate their victory, Catboy got shot in the head and fell over.

"Where did that come from!?" Gekko asked in disorientation.

"There! Sniper!" Owlette pointed at the bush which the shooter was hiding behind. She attempted to take flight, only to get shot four times in a row. Gekko summoned his shields again, blocking the incoming shots. He then hurled one of his shields at the shooter, who swiftly rolled to the side and managed to shoot him before he could throw the second one. The hooded figure walked up to the downed heroes and removed his hood, revealing the face of an Asian boy, 8 years old by the looks of him, with black hair that was tied back in a bun.

"Sloppy performance." He spoke with a Russian accent, to the trio's surprise, before turning his attention to Catboy. "I assume you are leader?"

"Yeah. I'm Catboy, by the way." Catboy replied nervously.

"Well, 'Catboy', not only were you defeated, but being over-achiever that you are, you managed to get your whole team dispatched." The boy continued as he removed his camouflage cloak, revealing dark Asian style armor and a purple cape. "Henchmen are easy to take out. But their leader, he is not going to play fair."

"Who are you?" Owlette asked.

"Калин Хан is my name." He said (with the Russian pronunciation for Kalin Khan). "And in case you are wondering, I am Tatar."

"A Tatar? What's that?" Gekko asked.

"It means I have distant cousins in Mongolia." Kalin explained.

"Like who?" Catboy wondered aloud.

"How am I supposed to know? They are distant. It is same with Japanese and Koreans. You would not doubt confuse me for Chinese or something, but to true historian, we are quite distinguishable. Of course, many Asian nations have some similarities culture. Similar architecture, similar outfits, and similar idols, like dragons." He then turned around to show them a dragon symbol on his cape.

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