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Kalin was currenly relaxing on the stone bench within Octobella's cellar, absentmindedly fidgeting with the Dragon Bands on his wrists. This did not go unnoticed by Octobella, who was having fun with Percival at the moment.

"Playing with permanent jewelry, are we?" Octobella teased, causing him to stand up in frustration.

"How about you try wearing these things all day?" He spewed back. "They are getting itchy." He then turned his attention towards the calendar, which he used to keep track of time. Halloween was meant to be the following night, and Kalin was unwilling to miss out on it.

"Hey, Squid Kid" He called out. "Halloween is tomorrow night, and I was wondering if I could get some fresh air."

"No." She denied. "You heard what the PJs said. You are to remain here until those Dragon Bands fall off. If they ever will."

"Well, they did not say anything about going out on holidays." He argued. "And holidays are for everyone, right?"

"Nice try, Russki." She mocked. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to convince me." Then he thought of a bribe.

"What if I brought something back?" He offered. "Bag of treats, maybe?"

"And how are you gonna do that?" She asked. "You can't exactly steal either."

"I just need to gain kid's trust." He explained. "But I need at least 24 hours to warm up to him." She thought about it for a moment, then asked.

"Then why let you do it at all when I can just get a goody bag for myself?"

"Impossible." He countered. "Your appearance is too authentic. You will never pass for kid in costume." She gave it a little more thought before eventually opening the cell door.

"You better have that goody bag by the time you come back." She warned.

"When have I ever broken my word?" He innocently replied as he fetched his armor.

Once he exited the moat, with Octobella enabling him to breathe underwater, he had to do the rest on his own, and without flaw. For he knew that if he failed, Octobella would send a bubble after him, and then bring him back to be penalized. However, he was absent in the previous Halloween events, and therefore didn't know what to expect and which kid to bribe. His only chance of getting any information was at the HQ. He made his way there and knocked on the door. A few moments later, PJ Robot came out to face him.

"Are PJs still around?" Kalin asked. PJ Robot shook his head 'no'. Taking advantage of this, Kalin grabbed him and rushed inside.

"I need you to walk me through events of previous Halloween nights." Kalin requested. Though hesitant, PJ Robot complied and started reviewing the previous events on the Picture Player. This gave Kalin the idea to replicate those events and make them go his way.

"Now I know what I must do. Thank you." He said before exiting, leaving PJ Robot confused. Kalin knew very well that retrieving the said goody bag would take a lot of convincing. Luckily, he had a way of making things happen. His next step was to send out letters of encouragement to all the existing Halloween Tricksters, convincing them that this time they could do their thing without the PJ Masks interfering, and that this so-called 'Captain Cameron' didn't actually have any powers.

The next day, the school bell rang and the PJ Masks exited the building along with the other kids. Cameron, who was among the group, suddenly smelled something from a nearby picnic table. He made his way towards it to find a plate of cookies, completely unsupervised. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he tried to snatch at least one, only to be stopped by a tan hand adorned with a golden bracelet and a Russian accented voice.

PJ Masks: Strangers in a Strange LandWhere stories live. Discover now