Nightingale's Redemption

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It was another night at Mystery Mountain. An Yu was in the middle of her usual Dragon Master activities when someone knocked on the front gate. She opened it to find Nightingale standing on the other side.

"What do you want, Nightingale?" She asked in annoyance.

"It is nice to see you too." Nightingale replied with a smile on his face. An Yu remained silent. "Yes. I would love to come in for cup of tea. Thank you for asking." And so she led him into the Pagoda and fixed some Mountain Flower tea for both of them to enjoy.

"So, I have been thinking about what you said." He began. "And I came to conclusion. I wish to find redemption by moving in." This caught An Yu off-guard.

"Mystery Mountain is a sacred site of peace, not a guest house." She stated. "You can learn here, but you can't stay here."

"Oh, so you want me to return to woods?" Nightingale questioned. "Where I am reduced to hunting pigeons and gambling for decent meal?"

"So what if you live in inconvenience?" She asked. "A lot of people thrive that way."

"I am outlaw, that is what." He replied. "That is no life for kid my age, always on run. What kind of future is that?" An Yu took it to consideration before giving her answer.

"Very well. You can stay and train. But you must go by the rules of the mountain."

"Got it." He agreed. "But before we start, I am curious to know how it is that such young girl becomes entrusted with burden of protecting such sacred place." An Yu remained silent, turning away to face the dragon statue. "Was it forceful or voluntary? Because I have been doing some reading in my early days. And whenever simple farm girl becomes greatest warrior in the land, it is always same story; to prove herself worthy of her father's respect."

"It's that obvious, huh?" She sighed, becoming more open than usual. "Well, yes. My father wasn't exactly a 'fatherly' type, you see."

"In what way?"

"My father was a retired soldier. When I was five, he thought I stole his sword. He loved that thing more than anything. He looked me in the eye and asked me if I took it. I said I didn't. He said he knew I had it and that I was lying. He hadn't spoken to me since. He wouldn't even look at me. Not on New Year, not on my birthday. A whole year of pure silence, like I wasn't even there. Then one morning when I was at breakfast, I saw him pass by and there it was, in his hand. It must've gotten buried in his wardrobe, knocked behind his desk or something. But he never apologized. He just looked at me and asked: "How was your day at school?" Then he kept asking: "How was your day at school? How was your day at school?" I never answered. I didn't eat, I didn't drink. The next week, our village was attacked by Northern Invaders. The small garrison that defended us was quickly overwhelmed. Before my father went to assist them, he packed what I could carry and sent me out to warn the emperor. No assurances, no goodbyes or anything. He just sent me away and left. Luckily, the invaders never noticed me leaving. But I was faced with another problem; the capital was too far away. As I walked for several days with no settlement in sight, I eventually ran out of water and rations. Stranded in the middle of nowhere and on the verge of starvation, I prayed to the ancestors for a miracle. They heard my prayer and sent a dragon protector, who brought me to a sacred place he called Mystery Mountain, which we currently reside on. He told me that he has protected this mountain since before time had a name, for this is where the old gods stored their relics of power to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. This place was known to no man other than the Jade Emperor, who used to come here to find peace. It was the Dragon Master's sacred duty to protect Mystery Mountain and its power from those who would misuse it. But as millennia went by, he grew weak and needed someone to inherit his magic. He said he chose me because he witnessed my spirit and saw potential in me. But he also gave me a choice. In order to accept his role, I'd have to leave behind the life I once knew, even my closest friends and family."

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