Kalin's Conquest Part 3; Divide and Conquer

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It's been a day since the raid on Mystery Mountain. The following night, while Romeo was working on a special project on Kalin's request, Kalin himself was currently meditating with the sword laying in front of him. This was one of his attempts to study its properties. Once his mind cleared, the sword glowed brightly, seemingly trying to tell him something. He then opened his eyes, having received the message.

"Divide and conquer." He relayed before standing up, grabbing the sword and making his way towards the Night Ninja, who was being held in a ball cage while the Ninjalinos were kept in the brig.

"What can you tell me about this weapon?" Kalin asked.

"The Sword of Conquerors possesses unspeakable power." Night Ninja replied.

"Yes, but what does it do?" Kalin asked on.

"I just told you its power is unspeakable!" Night Ninja insisted.

"Almost sounds like you do not know how to use it." Kalin concluded.

"Of course I know how to use it!" Night Ninja claimed, earning an unconvinced look from Kalin's face. "I just never got the chance to use it."

"Well, I believe it can do more than just summon infinite army of Stone Warriors." Kalin responded. "One cannot be expected to have all power in the world just because they have dim-witted stone statues following them around." He then displayed his new-found skill and efficiency with the sword, in the form of a blade dance.

"I could not do that last night." He added. "For what we know, it enhances its wielder in mysterious ways. It might as well grant one eternal life." Just then, Romeo came back with a report.

"They're ready." He said, leading Kalin to where twelve armored figures stood. They resembled the personal guard of Kublai Khan, having similar design and features, apart from having a golden outline. They were armed with hooked swords, round shields, and were two feet taller than an average Stone Warrior, reflecting their status as elite units.

"The twelve Golden Guardians as you requested." Romeo presented. "Reinforced armor and shields, and lightweight steel skeletons to make them more agile. But I still don't understand why you had me exclude an internal power source." To answer that question, Kalin placed the tip of his blade onto one of the Guardians' chests and said, "Guardian, awaken." In response, as the sword began to glow, so too did the Guardian's eyes.

"Attention." He ordered, and the Guardian snapped into position as told. Kalin then looked at the dumbfounded Romeo. "If this sword is potent enough to bring stone to life, I believe it is capable of anything." Likewise, he dragged the blade's tip along the ground, creating an aura that brought the rest of the Guardians to life. "Besides, gold is heavy metal. If they are strong enough to keep themselves on their feet, they are definitely strong enough to handle the PJ Masks." He then ordered the Fly Bots to fire their lasers at the Guardians as a test. In response, the Guardians raised their shields and deflected the lasers right back at the Fly Bots, temporarily short-circuiting them.

"So what's the plan?" Romeo asked.

"First rule of every conquest; eliminate your obstacles." Kalin replied.

"So we're going after those PJ Pests?" Romeo guessed.

"No, we are going after other villains." Kalin corrected. "You want to know how Mongols managed to conquer the Rus' so easily? Because back then, dark ages roamed over Europe. When men lived in fear of one another. When strong prayed upon weak."

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