Kalin's Conquest Part 2; Unspeakable Power

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Since the previous night, Romeo and Kalin have been thinking up various ways to begin their world conquest, but all of Romeo's ideas end with the PJ Masks ruining everything. Kalin decided not to reveal his plan until Romeo gives in. In the meantime, he's been working on his skills. He was currently deflecting lasers from a Fly Bot, using durable vambraces he and Romeo had forged.

"Come on, give me real challenge." He requested, unsatisfied with the Fly Bot's rate of fire. Therefore, two more came to support it. They fired rapidly at him, but, with a bit of effort, he managed to deflect all the lasers.

"Very impressive." Romeo commented. "Robot, I think you've just been replaced." Robot then started to walk away, deeply offended.

"Do not listen to him, Robot." Kalin comforted him. "There is always room for extra pair of arms."

"But how will an extra pair of arms help us with our plans?" Romeo questioned. "'Cause none of mine are successful as long as those PJ Pests are running around."

"Have you ever heard this riddle?" Kalin asked. "What is long, black, and never sleeps?" Romeo boiled his brains out, but couldn't come up with a suitable answer. He's smart, not wise. "For mad genius, you sure lack imagination. Answer is your own shadow. So yes, we cannot defeat PJ Masks, but fear can. All we have to do to win is to make them see that they are no heroes, but kids. Weak kids." A smirk appeared on his face. "How many more heroes are there?"

Once Romeo introduced him to the two remaining heroes, An Yu and Newton Star, Kalin turned his attention to the one within reach. After a small visit to the library to do some research on Mystery Mountain, he took a unit of 12 Fly Bots with him to the location of the portal. Not remembering the whole gesture, he simply bowed in a Chinese manner before drawing the infinity symbol with his fingers, automatically opening the gateway. Once he traversed the portal along with his Fly Bots, he used one of them to contact Romeo.

"I need you to stand by for pickup in case I run into complications." He requested.

"I'd be happy to." Romeo responded. "But the only way to create a sky portal big enough for my factory is to capture all the ninjas and drain their power. And last time I checked, they're currently training on the mountain."

"Let me handle that." Kalin said before cutting the transmission. It didn't take them long to find the ninjas in the bamboo forest. Kalin told the Fly Bots to stay back and wait for his signal, before entering the scene.

"Oh, great! It's that dragon boy again!" Night Ninja exclaimed as he saw him approach.

"Why does everybody keep calling me that?" Kalin asked in annoyance.

"I don't know. Because you're fierce? Because you have a dragon on you cape?"

"Good point." Kalin replied.

"On second thought, would you consider a partnership?" Night Ninja offered. "I could always use someone of your skill."

"It is tempting, but I am already under someone else's employment." Kalin rejected, before signalling the Fly Bots to move in. They zapped the Ninjalinos before any of them managed to throw a splat, trapping them all in energy bubbles. Only the last one remaining attempted to attack the young warrior, who simply caught him in midair and tossed him aside.

"Would you not prefer to face me mano-a-mano?" Kalin taunted. Night Ninja was rather hesitant, as he's never fought a fellow martial artist hand-to-hand before. But seeing as the Fly Bots were cutting off his escape, he had no choice but to accept. The two engaged in close combat. But in spite of Night Ninja's skill, Kalin was more experienced in hurting people, and quickly overpowered him. He went under his defense and paralyzed him with a special chi-blocking technique, rendering him stiff as a board.

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