Nightingale and the Ninjas

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Night Ninja had just made another failed attempt to steal a relic of power from the Pagoda, as those meddling PJ Masks are always there to assist An Yu in protecting them. He and his Ninjalinos were currently walking down the mountain steps in shame.

"What's the point of having sidekicks if you can't rely on them!?" He complained, deeply offending the Ninjalinos. Then an idea popped into his head. "Perhaps there is one who can be reliable."

Meanwhile, Nightingale was deep in the woods just outside the city, sitting next to a campfire and gorging himself on a pigeon he had recently hunted. Suddenly, Night Ninja appeared via a smoke bomb, causing him to nearly drop his dinner.

"Hey there. I heard you were in for business." Night Ninja said.

"It seems my reputation proceeds me." Nightingale responded. "No matter where I go, more clients will follow."

"I heard about your previous incident with Romeo." Night Ninja continued. "When he had you steal Luna Girl's moon magnet, only for you to let the PJ Masks take it back. It's not your fault your contract ends after you get your paycheck."

"What do you want?" Nightingale asked.

"I need muscle, expensive but reliable. Can you service me?"

"I would be happy to." Nightingale considered. "But first you must name the price." Night Ninja, who had already given it a thought, had his Ninjalinos reveal a medallion he had previously stolen from the museum.

"You can sell it back anytime you want." He added. "The price is yours to name.

"You just made yourself deal, partner." Nightingale agreed. "What kind of task do you have for me?"

Immediately, once Night Ninja explained the difficulty of the task, Nightingale began his intense physical and mental training. He pumped iron, went through his ballet moves, had target practice with his arrow and nightshade bombs, and even had Night Ninja loan him a punching bag. He punched the thing until it popped.

Once he thought himself ready, the ninjas led him straight to Mystery Mountain, traversing the portal and climbing up the mountain steps all the way to the Pagoda. The PJ Masks had already declared a mission success and headed home to bed. An Yu was the sole defender at the moment. Once the group reached the summit, Night Ninja opened the main gate with a secret password. The rest was up to Nightingale. Having been warned by Night Ninja about the booby traps, he braved them in a non-super powered way; he simply walked around. Of course, he had to step on a few tiles before reaching the edge. Then he entered the Pagoda, where An Yu was meditating. He then noticed some kind of samurai armor hanging on the wall to his right.

"This armor is loud and heavy." He said, catching An Yu's attention. "Useful to slow one down. Useless in art of stealth. All for samurai, but nothing for ninja?" With those words, he revealed his intentions to her.

"I see Night Ninja has found himself a new sidekick." She said calmly.

"Hired muscle." Nightingale corrected. "And I am very temporary." An Yu rose from her lotus pose and readied her staff.

"You will not lay a hand on any of these relics." She warned. "They are sacred and are not to fall into the wrong hands."

"Whatever." The bandit replied. "As long as I get paid, it makes no difference to me. Now fight me if you have to." The dual began with a standoff. The two struck their own battle stances, then An Yu was the first to display her skills in martial arts. This was meant to be a final warning, as in art of intimidation, but Nightingale remained unaffected. He started displaying his own skills in the Russian Dance. This was meant to throw An Yu off guard by making her think she had the advantage.

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