Kalin's Conquest prologue

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The scene opens with a series of 2D animated flashbacks, narrated by a British accented boy (Cornelius).

"Legend has it, thousands of years ago, there was an emperor whose greed brought suffering to all of China. As punishment, the heaven sent a meteor that struck the outskirts of the capital. The emperor's right-hand warlord, the master of the imperial army, was sent to investigate. At the site, he found that the meteor contained a unique type of steel that possessed unspeakable power. The warlord had it forged into a sword, which he sought to use in his conquests. Once he took the blade in hand, it was infused with his war hunger and power lust. It granted him improved combat mastery and a gift of eternal life. The warlord used this newfound power to overthrow the emperor and send his heir into exile. For the next century, he ruled over China with an iron fist, and few dared to challenge him. Then one day, a great Dragon Master led his own revolt, removing him from power and restoring the emperor's descendant in exile to the throne. Peace finally returned, and the empire flourished once again. For centuries the sword has lain hidden, serving as a reminder of what happens when greed goes unchecked. While evil men have searched for it, knowing that whoever possessed it would have the power to summon an infinite army of stone warriors, and then rule the world for countless generations."

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