14 - Rules and redecorating

Start from the beginning

As they perused the racks, Victor's mommy held up each dress, allowing him to examine them closely. "What do you think of this one, my sweetheart?" she asked, pointing to a dress adorned with tiny flowers.

Victor's heart skipped a beat as he imagined himself wearing it. The fabric looked soft and comfortable, and the thought of twirling around in the dress made him giggle with delight. "I woves it, Mommy! Can I twy it on?"

His mommy's smile widened, her eyes shining with affection. "Of course, my little one. Let's find the perfect size for you."

Together, they made their way to the fitting rooms, where Victor's mommy helped him try on the dresses. As he stood in front of the mirror, the sight of himself dressed in the adorable outfits filled him with a sense of wonder and happiness. He twirled and spun, the skirts of the dresses billowing around him.

Victor's mommy stood beside him, her voice full of admiration. "Oh, my sweet baby, you look absolutely precious in these dresses. They suit you so well."

Victor blushed, his cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. The dresses made him feel like a little princess, and he couldn't contain his excitement. "Fank you, Mommy. I feel so pwetty and special."

His mommy's eyes sparkled with love as she enveloped him in a warm embrace. "You are always beautiful and special to me, my darling. These dresses are just a way to celebrate your uniqueness and bring out your inner joy."

As they made their final selections, Victor's mommy gathered the chosen dresses, and they proceeded to the checkout counter. Victor held tightly onto his mommy's hand, a sense of contentment and love enveloping him.

With their purchases complete, Victor's thoughts swirled with excitement about wearing his new dresses, imagining the adventures and playtime that awaited him. He knew that his mommy's love and support would always accompany him on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery.

As they left the store, hand-in-hand, Victor's heart brimmed with gratitude for the special bond he shared with his mommy. Together, they would navigate the world with love, acceptance, and the freedom to embrace the beauty of being true to oneself.

Besides a few new dresses his mother also took him to antoher store to buy some toys and new decorations for his room, before returning to the car. As Victor and his mommy arrived back home, the excitement of their shopping trip still lingered in the air. Victor's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he watched his mommy carefully hang his new dresses and girly clothes in his wardrobe next to the ones that were already there. It was a visual representation of his journey, a tangible reminder of the beautiful transformation he was experiencing.

With a loving smile, his mommy turned to him and said, "We're going to make some changes, my precious little girl. Your new dresses deserve a special place in your wardrobe. And we'll hang up your new posters."

Victor's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he watched his mommy take his superhero posters from the wall and replacing them with images of unicorns and princesses. It was a symbolic gesture, a farewell to the old and a welcoming embrace of the new. He trusted his mommy's guidance and knew deep down that this was a step towards embracing his true self.

Next, his mommy took his action figures and games console and exchanged them for his new baby toys, dolls and stuffed animals. Victor saw his room being transformed to a real nursery for him. He felt a flutter of nervousness mixed with a strange sense of excitement. It was a reminder that he was embarking on a unique journey, one where his needs and comfort were prioritized.

Together, they stepped back and admired the transformed room, now a sanctuary for Victor's baby girl self. Victor's thoughts were filled with excitement as he crossed the threshold into a world of imagination and self-expression. He knew that with his mommy by his side, he had the freedom to explore and be true to himself, no matter what form that took.

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