19. Sleepover

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As the next evening set in, Victor, Jack, and David prepared for their sleepover. Victor felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, especially with David's decision to wear diapers to support him and Jack. Meanwhile, Victor's mother, seeing the boys getting ready, decided to invite Rachel to babysit them as she had babysat Victoria earlier in the week.

The doorbell rang, and Rachel arrived, greeted by Victor's mother. Rachel stepped inside, a warm smile on her face. "Hi, Mrs. Johnson," Rachel said cheerfully. "You can count on me to make sure the boys and Victoria have a great time tonight." Victor's Mother smiled, "Thank you, Rachel. I'm sure they'll keep you on your toes, but I appreciate your help. David is already up and Jack is just going up the stairs, so you're right on time."

Meanwhile, in Victor's room, he and David were getting ready for the sleepover. David, wearing a thoughtful expression, approached Victor: "Hey, Victoria, I know this means a lot to you and Jack, so I want to support you guys. I'm going to wear a diaper, like I promised."

Victor's eyes beamed with gratitude. He admired David for going to such lengths to show his support. "David, thank you. That really means a lot to me. And I'm sure, Jack will love it too!"

Then, Jack, who had to wear diapers for bedwetting, entered the room, carrying his overnight bag. "Hey, guys, what's up?" His eyes widened in surprise as he saw Victor for the first time all dressed up as a little girl.

"Wow," he said in slight shock, "what's going on here?" Victor and David started to explain the whole tale to Jack, who listened attentively to his friends. "And I've decided to wear a diaper for the sleepover too," David concluded, "to support you and Victor."

"Wow, that's really cool of you, David. I've always felt ashamed of myself wetting the bed, but hearing your story, Victoria, might give me the courage to be more kind towards myself. You now what? Why don't we all wear diapers for the entire sleepover?"

At that time Rachel made her appearance: "Hi, boys! I'm excited to hang out with you tonight. We're going to have a blast! And if I hear correctly a few diaper changes are in order."

The boys grinned as Rachel got the diaper supplies up and Victor nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of anticipation for the evening ahead. As they settled in for the sleepover, Victor was overwhelmed by the support and understanding of his friends, and he looked forward to a fun and memorable night.

Jack and David, still feeling a bit self-conscious about wearing diapers in front off Rachel, exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how she would react. Rachel's eyes quickly caught sight of the boys' unease, and she offered a warm and reassuring smile, immediately putting them at ease. "Hey, guys, let's get you all set for a comfy and cozy sleepover. No need to feel embarrassed about anything. We're here to have a great time together."

Jack and David visibly relaxed, grateful for Rachel's understanding and supportive approach. "Thanks, Rachel," David said. "We really appreciate it. I just wanted to support Victor and Jack, so I decided to wear a diaper too." - "Yeah, it's really cool of David to do that," Jack added. "And I think Victor, uh Victoria is pretty cool too. If you don't mind me saying, Victoria, but with your size, you look exactly like a little girl right now."

Victor blushed and Rachel smiled as she recognised the great friendship between them. Her easygoing manner and acceptance helped them feel more comfortable in their own skin, and they quickly immersed themselves in the activities of the evening, enjoying games, snacks, and lively conversation.

As the evening progressed, the boys found themselves engrossed in a game of video games, their earlier self-consciousness about wearing diapers all but forgotten in the excitement of the sleepover. Rachel, ever attentive, joined in on the fun, cheering them on and adding a playful energy to the room. "Go, go, go! You've got this!" she cheered them on, or "I bet I can beat all of you at this game," when she took hand of the controller herself. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and soon the living room was filled with laughter and friendly competition.

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