(P19) Goodbye to the past, Hello to the future!

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S H I N O B U  K O C H O

The results.. its- positive. Holy, fucking shit. 


"Hold on give me a minute"

"Giyuu fucking Tomioka." I yelled.


"Giyuu...i'm pregnant."

"Wha-" His eyes widened before he smiled.

"Im fucking pregnant!.."

"Really? You're joking."

"Nope." I handed him the test, not knowing what to expect.

"I- Holy fuck."

"You're gonna be a dad!"

"You're gonna be a mom." He laughed, before kissing me.

"I need to throw up again.."

"Oh, sorry." 

Soon after he brung me to the hospital so doctors could check up on me. Im speechless, i don't know if i'm supposed to be happy or sad. Well me and Giyuu are pretty wealthy- we would spoil the shit out of this child. But i'm probably going to be staying up all night.. You know what, i'm keeping the baby. I don't care. i'm going to make sure this baby lives a long, healthy and happy life as long as i'm alive. I know Giyuu will be there for me the whole time, i trust him. 

"Hello Miss Kocho, so i guess your pregnant?"

"Mhm, Yes i am."

"Well i will be the one to check out every thing about your baby. Sit tight!" 

I nodded and she just did everything she was supposed to do. I wonder what i would name it, but i probably shouldn't be deciding this without Giyuu..

A little later, she finished up. Giyuu then walked into the room again.

"Alrighttt.. the baby is 6 weeks old currently. Im assuming you already know that though." she laughed. "Do not worry- before i finish that, would you like to keep the baby's gender a surprise?.. 

"Yeah, thats okay." I looked over at Giyuu, having a face of approval.

"Okay then! The baby is healthy and there is nothing to worry about. I assume you know you shouldn't drink and all that kind of stuff. Also, Im not trying to be weird about this but i would suggest no sexual activity. I have a bunch of stuff to help you get ready for motherhood/fatherhood, so please do not be afraid to ask anything! I have books, moms who could give you some suggestions or advice and so much more. But i think that is all i have to say currently." 

"Oh wow- thank you, so so much." I smiled

"No problem! Take my card, and i'll answer any questions you have."

She then started talking again about my baby, when is the due date and all that shit.

"Thank you, again. Is there anything else we have to do?"

"Nope, you can take your leave!"

"Okay then, have a great day."

"You too! Bye."

I walked out with Giyuu, holding his hand.

"You're going to be such a good mom shinobu." He said before kissing my forehead. I smiled as i grabbed his chin, kissing him on the lips.



A little before the due date. ( G I Y U U  T O M I O K A )

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