.-~x•*'A different feeling'*•×~-.P1

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Shinobus POV;

I woke up to kanaes voice. "Shinobu! Wake up its time for school." Oh.. Great another day of school! I Hate it- there's boys all over me. I don't get why people like attention. I shot straight up and put on my clothes, as well as doing my hair. I went down the stairs, grabbed my breakfast from kanae. After i was done eating, me, kanao and kanae went to the car and kanae drived us to school.
"Have fun girls!" Kanao and i went our ways, and i walked over to my class and sat down in my seat. A group of boys looked me up and down- Here we go again.
"Well hey there pretty lady."
"Go find something better to do dickface."i put on a fake smile
"What a guy cant compliment a girl?" One of his friends said.
"I don't take compliments from perverts like you, now go sit your ass down."
They all went back to there seat.

At lunch

I sat down at the table with mitsuri.
"Hey girll!!"
"SHINOBU!! I have so much tea!" She screeched.
"Tell mee!"
We talked and talked, and the other seniors sat at our table. They were all speaking loudly which disrupted me and mitsuri.
I rolled my eyes and continued to talk to mitsuri. Till a football hit my head- i turned to see who it was. The one and only, Giyu tomioka.
"Shit my bad kocho." He said laughing, with sanemi.
I threw the football across the lunch room.
"Take that airhead."
"Well fuck you too."
I smiled and turned back around to mitsuri.
"He's so annoying." I whispered while mitsuri giggled. I was sitting on the side of the table where i could see some random ass boys talking about me and mitsuri while looking at us. I gave them a stern look, im tired of this shit. 2 times in 1 day.
3rd POV
Giyu, sanemi and the other boys were near them- hearing what they were saying. Giyu grabbed the back of the shirts of two boys and pulled them to the ground harshly, both groaning in pain. Tengen yelled damn while the others watched in disbelief
"Take her name out of her mouth you bitch."
He reached down and pulled them by their collar.
"Do you fucking hear me?"
"Y-yes." Both of the guys responded in fear as the other one ran away. Giyu let go of them as well running away.

Shinobus POV

I looked at him with shock as he sat back down. I turned around to see mitsuri with that smirk on her face.

"He just stood up for youu.."
I put my head down as my face heated up.
She then giggled at my reaction
"He's looking over here."
My head shot straight up and i looked directly at mitsuri, making up a random thing to ask so i can ignore giyus stare.
"Soo.. Uhm what happened in your 5th period?.."
"Really shinobu!"
She giggled again, she knew what i was trying to do.


I had to go to my 7th period, P.E.
I went in the locker room so i could change into my P.E clothes. I opened my locker and there was nothing to be seen there- what the actual fuck? I locked it?.. I turned to see some girls laughing- why is so much going on today.
"Mind giving me my clothes?'
"We don't have it.." They rolled their eyes.
"Then why the fuck are you giggling?"
"No reason? And its none of ur business."
"Well its my business now."
I signaled my hand for her to give me it.
"Here, jesus."
She gave me my clothes and i went back to my locker to change. Gosh- why does these feel so tight? Did those bitches shrink my clothes.. Im done with this, im going back to the gym for P.E.
All the eyes were on me. My shirt and shorts barley fit on me, but i couldn't care less.
I went to go sit down next to mitsuri.
"Girl what happened."
"Some bitches shrunk my clothes."
"Probably jealous you pull unlike them."
She laughed.
"Like.. Don't got to be jealous?.."
I laughed with mitsuri.
We stopped laughing as soon as our coach came out, we had to run the mile since its friday.
The whole class followed our coach outside, telling us to begin. I jogged with mitsuri, talking shit. I saw giyuu look me up and down- but i thought nothing of it.. Why does this feel different? I hated giyu for so many years but.. I don't know. What am i thinking- i snapped out of it as mitsuri said
"Hello? Shinobu!"
"Sorry- i zoned out."
"Ohh okay."
Me and mitsuri continued to talk as we jogged together.

Y'all know i had to make it interesting for the first part. Well i hoped you like this to whoever is reading- i don't expect this to get read.

Enemies to lovers - A giyushino storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant