the incident (P5)

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As soon as i heard a gun load, i froze. i stood completely still as i looked over at giyuu in horror. 

"If you wanna live, you better start to fucking talk." said a deep voice.

giyuus face had a smirk on it. Why the hell is he smiling? We are about to get killed and hes smiling??

"Do you want your head blowed off? You better stop with that ugly ass grin." the deep voice said once again.

"Why should i be worrying about that?" Giyu answered.

EH? What is he saying?! 

"Your really gonna get it now." The guy yelled.

He was about to pull the trigger before someone elses gun went off, and he fell to the ground as me and giyu watched. Huh?.. Who did he get shot by- and how did giyuu know?

"Really Shinobu? You have got to be joking!" Kanae scolded.

 Am- am i dreaming? because i can't believe my eyes.

"Kanae?! How, when-" I responded before getting cut off by her.

"Your so lucky i heard all this commotion. And isn't this the boy that brought you- never mind. But why is he even here? Tell me, are you hooking up in here!?" Kanae said.

"EH? No!!!" i answered with a slight blush coating my face.

"You know what, im going to handle this myself. Both of you, OUT!" she yelled at the both of us.

Me and giyu both walked out the room, and went outside the butterfly mansion. We started to walk in the gloomy streets.

"Giyuu-" I said before getting cut off.

"Yeah i know." he answered in a mad tone.

Theres someone following us. They are apparently not a good stalker, because there making themselves known. We then turned the corner and waited till the person also turned the corner. 

"Why are you following us?" Giyu said.

"Looks like you've caught me." A familar voice responded while laughing. Hold on-

The person then started to take off their hood and mask- which revealed to be the girl from the party. the one who hit on giyu. 

"Oh fuck no, what are you trying to do now?" i spoke up and stepped infront of giyu.

"Don't worry honey, I'm not trying to steal your beloved giyuu." she snarled.

I didnt say anything back, i just gave her a 'Fuck off" look. 

"Okay then what do you want?" Giyu spoke.

"I know your the ones who killed douma." she said, with a smug grin on her face.

I looked at giyu with a worried look on my face. I know shes going to try and blackmail us, and its going to be bad.

"And if you don't want me to report you to the police, your going to have to do what i say." she declaimed.

"...Okay what is it." i sighed as i looked at her with a stern look in my eyes.

"Glad you asked, Well- Both of you are going to have to cut off contact. Never ever talk to one another again, pretend like you never knew each other, Like strangers... Delete everything on your phones about each other and giyu.. she laughed. And giyu is going to have to move away, far away." she finally said with a devious smile on her face. "And- if you don't do this. Im killing one of you and telling the police about douma." 

"What- No! Are you-"I screamed

"..Fine." giyu muttered.

"Giyuu? What- why are you agreeing on this! I'd rather get killed then never talk to each other again!" I shrieked. 

"Its for the better good shinobu." he explained.

"But-" I tried to convince him before getting cut off.

"Well then, its decided. You have 2 days to figure this out, Say your final goodbyes." She laughed as she walked away. 

"Giyu what the fuck?!"I shouted.

"Shinobu- you know damn well you wouldn't want me or you to die. The better choice is to cut off contact. One of us would be probably go to jail for awhile, and we can't risk getting snitched on. I know-  your gonna say we can figure something out. But that girl, you don't know what shes capable of. You don't know if she can find us even if we changed our whole look and personality- everything like that. Im sorry but, its better than being dead, and being in jail." He said while having a sad look in his face.

"Giyu- Please! We can figure something out. I can't do this- i can't just forget about you just like that! I fucking love you! Please.. im begging you. I know we can." I cried. 

"Yes- i know, but i can't even bear the fact of you possibly being dead. Shinobu, trust me on this. I will be back, it won't be soon but i will." he said as he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"You better come back..but im spending these last 2 days with you." I said as i wiped tears of my face.

"Thats fair." He smiled.

"Im still mad at you." I said while i sniffled. 

"Of course you are." He teased.





IM SORRY FOR THIS SAD ENDING. BUT DONT WORRY- i will be writing a timeskip.. *wink wink* But yeaahhahahha

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