Chapter 17 - Oddity

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Hey yall, happy holidays or thanksgiving or whatever. I hope yall know I appreciate you all so much. Muah. Anyways, I also do art and i'm thinking of what to write after I've completed this story, HOWEVER I WANTED TO ASK...

Should there be multiple endings?

A)Yes. 100% yes, would love to watch myself #beheartbroken as the author originally intended and then be overjoyed by the other ending that's everything and more.


B) No, I'd rather just have the author decide which fits best and have them go with that.


Like I said before, I'm thinking of doing another one of these vast tales of love and loss. I have a couple ideas and a couple fandoms I'd like to dive into. If yall want, please comment some story ideas. I know a lot of characterization of these franchises: Danganronpa, Digital Amazing Circus,  Baldur's Gate 3 (obvi.), Genshin Impact, Future Diary, Jujutsu Kaisen, Nyan Neko Sugar Girls (if you haven't seen it, look it up on youtube please.), Adventure Time, Chainsaw Man, and MUCH more. 

However, I could also try my hand at another similar genre/type of story as this one but with my own ORIGINAL characters. 

Let me know your thoughts, :)

As always, ENJOY!



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Fuck my life. How could I of all people like the likes of him? Sure, his body did pleasure mine to extents I didn't know were possible, but really? Astarion? 

My gaze turned to the vampire, whom ever so peacefully was reading some literature, his body leaned up against a tree. It was almost posed... it was probably posed knowing the size of his ego. 

Yet.... not only was his ego... large.

I shook off that thought, not wanting it to linger any more than it already did within my mind. Was I crazy to think the likes of him could be attractive? I'm sure many others would appreciate their place in their bed, besides me. Gods, even just the thought I appreciate our heated nights together gave me the shivers. 

But then again...

Was I even allowed to have these thoughts? Was I allowed to imagine myself in bed with him, and only myself next to him? Even from the start as Astarion sat across that damned tavern, his eyes screamed only lust. Even then, our first temptation filled moments of passion, it was lust. His little taunts, his every move, planned and organized. 

Astarion and I [x reader] (Baldurs Gate 3) SMUT + STORYLINEWhere stories live. Discover now