Chapter 1- The Pale Elf

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Shout out to the creator of the video above /\ Was able to complete this quickly. 

Video creator: SketchySpirit  

Link to said playlist:

Edit: Hey yall, after finishing the first Ending I decided to come back and rewrite this a little more descriptive. To you few rereaders, please enjoy!


The cold countryside air swept over my body, carrying the crisp scent of autumn and that dry smell of leaves as they cascaded down from the trees. The leaves had just turned into a mixture of reds, oranges, and browns, a seasonal spectacle that I wouldn't witness in its full glory this year. Time had flown by, and before I knew it, I had transitioned from a child running through these fields in my tattered little farm dress to an adult ready to leave them behind.

A sad tale, yes, but with freedom like air under my wings, I decided to finally lift off and leave the nest. 

My dream was to make a name for myself in the bustling new city, to carve out a niche in the world of business or sales. With an empty store already in my possession, I was ready to meet my new home and the opportunities it held.

The rhythmic sound of my carriage horse's hooves echoed in the crisp air, signaling its timely arrival. I took one last look at the town I once called home, a humble place with only around 100 villagers at most, but it was my childhood home.

Before long, I was on my way. The gates opened to the expansive countryside, where golden wheat fields stretched endlessly before me, eventually giving way to empty dirt roads. The dwarf driving my carriage finally spoke up, his voice deep and gruff. He was a short man, obviously, not making the effort to strain to look upward at me but rather just staring at the horse and road in front of us.

"New city, eh?" he asked awkwardly.

"Something like that," I replied, yawning as I leaned back against the tarp.

"The city's big and dangerous. I wouldn't recommend going alone," he muttered.

I raised an eyebrow. "And why's that?"

"Well, the usual—people getting robbed, killed. One guy even said he saw a creature with red eyes in the city," he grumbled. I furrowed my brows. Red eyes? Probably just a drunkard's tall tale. Probably some Teifling-Hating nobody too drunk off their ass making tales, I imagined to myself as the day stretched on.


The city stared at me as we finally approached the large stone gates. The rustic wooden hinges creaked wildly as it opened. I was in total awe of my surroundings, as walls this high, buildings this tall were just a fantasy before. 

As we passed buildings, I couldn't ever had imagined how colorful, lively, this city seemed. Red tarps, blue doors, yellow tables, you named it. There was color, unlike bumpkin town situated far away. Before, I was used to wood, stone, and the occasional color of moss and vines growing in the older buildings. Here, here, felt like the home I've always wanted to know. The pearly gates out of the hellish bland home I knew. 

The horse finally came to a stop, and there I found my home. A two story building, a store front on bottom with the top being a cozy home.

I couldn't help but sigh at the sight. It was beautiful. 

Unpacking was easy, especially with the dwarf eagerly helping in exchange for a few gold coins as a tip. Before I knew it, my store was set up. Trinkets, novels, valuable items filled the shelves, but the potions and scrolls were the most popular. To celebrate the upcoming opening day, I decided to visit the city tavern.

Astarion and I [x reader] (Baldurs Gate 3) SMUT + STORYLINEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant