Chapter 3- What a Nightmare🍋

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Smut up head beyond this point, if you do not want anything of it please just skip this entire chapter




I felt as eager lips caressed my neck, taking in every single imperfection, every single dot and line

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I felt as eager lips caressed my neck, taking in every single imperfection, every single dot and line. I tugged lightly at his hair, trying to pull him off yet wanting more, more. My back arched against the bed, pushing myself further into his chest which covered my body. I seemed tiny inside his arms.

My freehand scoured his back, surely leaving behind nail markings. I marked him as much as his hungry lips marked me. There was no exchange of words besides the occasional grunt or moan from either party, myself or Astarion

His eyes spoke his intention, desire, lust, and hunger. If looks could kill, I'd surely be dead where I lie. My legs spread apart as his hips found themselves pressed against mine. I was a fly in a trap, the mouse to his cat.

Yet, I felt completely, aware and awake, ready. I put my pride away for a sliver of pleasure, and was I swimming in it. It seemed he enjoyed it too as I felt his pulsing bulge rub against my clothed self. 

The room felt hot, my usual cozy bed with fluffed pillows now a complete disaster. My stuffed animals thrown, my vanity trashed from our earlier escapade of lustful kissing and bites. 

His slender fingers trailed up my thigh, pushing my dress higher and higher. I gasped at the sensation of his cold fingertips caressing my burning hot skin. I felt myself salivating at just the thought.

He slowly wandered with his hands, feeling every bit of me he could, as he raised the dress above my head. I looked at him with such feral lust I couldn't help but to pull his shirt towards me. Our lips slammed together passionately in an array that could only be described as butterflies and fireworks all at once. He quickly leaned into the kiss, grinning smugly as always.

"Here's my little treat with their cheeks all flushed," He whispered into my ear. His voice made my eyes roll back, eager, wanting more. His hand escaped to tug at his leather belt. I happily helped him escape from his shirt as he did so. Soon we both were left in just undergarments. I felt naked, bare, in front of him. But, It wasn't like he wasn't imagining this before, just now they were real and not just his eyes fucking me where I stand. 

His lips continued to kiss and bite my neck, his teeth leaving light bruises. I mewled at the feeling, I fucking mewled like a child. That's where he and I both knew he had me. Locked within his arms, locked inside my own lust.

I eagerly bucked my hips against his, wanting more friction, more him. He complied as he released his member from his draws. He harshly pulled my underwear to the side.

His tip was warm, it felt like it was bursting from the seams in lust. Yet, I was far worse. 

His tip slowly edged against mine...


like always.

Slowly, I felt my lips part and...-

I shot up in my bed, my sheets soaked in sweat. I let our a quick yelp as I scanned my room, breathlessly. There was absolutely no fucking way I just had that dream. I felt my cheeks, red and burning hot from the feeling. 

I checked myself over with my hands, definitely more aroused than usual, but I was fine. I couldn't stop thinking about the dream all day. My mind elsewhere as I imagined just how I could have that thought. 

Perhaps it was a fluke... like randomly seeing an old friend in a dream. 

Then why was I still imagining it?

Perhaps, it was just because I was pent up?

Then why didn't I have it before?

It had to be because of the state he left me in, that little man-whore.

"Darling, If you keep staring with such passionate eyes I might just have to give you something to think on~" My eyes snapped to the culprit, who looked quite happy with my infuriated state.

Astarion was more put together than his state in my dream, yet one thing stayed the same. His eyes, which swirled with lust and hunger. He smirked happily, unknown to what sort of nightmare he had given me. I made a clicking noise with the sound of my tongue. 

"Go fuck yourself." I said angrily as I turned back to stocking my shelves.

Like I'd ever let that happen.

To be continued...

Author Note:

I know it's a shorter chapter, BUT Yall are EATING tonight with two chapters in one sitting. I promised not to leave yall hungry, hopefully this holds you over for until I can pump out more chapters. Please remember I am a college student with the MAX amount of units for my English Degree.


Anywayssss, If you liked the chapter please let me know which parts you liked and which you want more of

Thanks for reading!

Smuishide <3

Astarion and I [x reader] (Baldurs Gate 3) SMUT + STORYLINEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat