Chapter 30

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"What do you mean fading?" I asked.
"I can't sense that you have a mate anymore."
"But why would that happen?"
"Maybe just maybe you have a second mate."

"A second mate?" 
"Yes. Another to love."
"That's just wrong! How can I just love another when Matt died? How do I move on from that?"
Carrie sighed. "The MoonGoddess must believe you have enough room in your heart to love another."

I frowned. "It's wrong."

"How is it wrong Elina?"
"It's just wrong," I grumbled.
Carrie narrowed her eyes at me. "I hope you will love whoever you are to also be destined with or it wouldn't be fair to the one paired with you."
"Maybe he will understand my situation and you know..."
Carrie quickly got up and the chair screeched loudly. "You should be grateful you have a mate other than that a second chance to love." She walked out the room, not looking back. 

I put my head down on the table. Of course she is angry with me, I'm over here bitching about getting another mate since I just lost one when Carrie never had one. I brought my head up with my eyes closed. If I really do have a second mate I will try and give them a chance. I backed out from the table and made my way back to my room. I kept my head down as I walked down the hallway. My room is partially dark, the little light from the gloomy outside showing enough light to not trip over anything but not know of what lurks in the shadows. 

I picked out some night clothes and went to the bathroom and change. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a pony-tail. I crawled into bed and stared out the window. I put my hand out and pretend that I was touching it like earlier. But without expecting it the window started to freeze over. I closed my hand into a tight fist and brought it down.

Only if I could really freeze the darkness, crack and destroy it.


I was be pushed lightly disturbing me from my sleep. I rolled over and I felt my arm hit someone. I slowly opened my eyes.
"The light..." I heard a soft gasp and shuffling and then the room appeared darker.


"I came to wake you up as it is almost noon. You slept for a long time and today is the day you get fitted for your dress." I sat up quickly.
"Do I have time to eat?" She shook her head.

"I'm sorry but there isn't time I need you to put on a little silk dress for the fitting right now. We can't be late. Before you change let me brush your hair quickly. It looks raggedy." I face my back towards her and let her rake away. How come she didn't come sooner? After a couple of minutes I went to bathroom to get ready.

I came out in a thin material the maid gave me.
"Great your ready. Let's go." She led me to the opposite direction of the dinning room. This room was filled with different types of blues. Everyone was already there. Why am I always last to everything? 
"Spec! Everyone is here!" Said the lady I suspected was the stylist as she had measuring tape around her neck. 
"Can you all please stand side by side, little space in between." Rosa stood in between Marie and I. 

"Now I want you to say a color you would like to wear. Starting with you," She said pointing to Marie.

"Black," The lady mumbled and wrote somethings down. It is Rosa's turn now.


"Teal." Now it's my turn.

Why would she ask what we want to wear if she is not going to let us wear it anyways? We stood there as she went through her books. Flipping page after page. 

"You first." She said pointing to me. I walked over to her and waited for directions. 

"Arms out."

Redemption [Completed] Book 1 Of Awakened SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now