Chapter 20

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Soon the blood note was washed off the house. Matt took me inside and basically never wanted me to come out the house.

Why is there more? What could they want? We already killed the leader of the rouges. All he wanted was Larissa and me for what ever reason. I want to contact Anthony, maybe he knows what they want or have a better understanding.

"Matt I need to talk to Anthony."


"I have to ask him what this means or any thing that could do with this. I want to know, need to know what can happen or will."

"Okay I will give you his number but don't exceed past five minutes or my wolf will take over. I'm will always be over protective of you."

"Oh but you mean jealous."

Matt scoffed. "Alphas never get jealous, just concerned."

Matt gave me his number and I called him on my phone. I just got it recently. It rang for a couple of seconds and then he answered.


"Hi is this Anthony?"

"Yes and this is?"


"Oh hello Elina. What can I help you with today?"

"Well Jack and others attacked our pack. We fought them all and also killed them but not to much later there was a blood note on the pack house that said it's not over. I wanted to know if there is someone else perhaps?"

"There is a chance someone saw what happened and there might be a relative after your pack now. And about the blood note was there anything else?"

"Um yes there was a sign at the bottom. It looked like and upside down eight with two curled ram horns coming out the top."

"There is a chance that is the symbol for a certain clan."

"Probably. Well do you have any clue who it is?" I asked. If he knew this might solve some of the troubles ahead.

"No not a clue. But if you keep on trying I'm sure you will figure out something."

I said bye and hung up. I guess I could search different clan symbols and hopefully find something. Matt gave me his laptop and together we searched different websites and looked for the sign. Nothing showed up. No results or anything. I'm guessing this a newly created one.

I closed the laptop with frustration. I told Matt I'm going to talk to Marie. I went to her room and let myself in. Marie was at her desk reading a book. I walked over by her and she instantly slammed the book closed.

"Am I intruding?" I asked.

"No just confidentiality."

I leaned against the desk and just looked around her room. Her books are actually neat now, probably placed in certain categories.

"Marie do you know anything about clan signs?"

Marie stood and walked over to a stack of books. "Actually I was hoping you were going to ask that."

Marie grabbed a book and sat down on her bed and looked at me waiting. I sat next to her and she opened the book. The first page was the table of contents and Marie pointed to a chapter called Symbols.

"I'm sure you searched the web for the symbol and found nothing. In this book it explains there are symbols that stand for different meanings. The upside down eight stands for infinite disaster, some more extreme than others given one side is bigger than the other. The two curled horn looking things is a sign of revenge. It is curled because revenge comes at all points but will 'poke you'."

I guess it all makes sense why there clan symbol is like that. I guess they want revenge from killing all those Werewolves.

"So we are in danger no matter what."


I stood up and left Marie to whatever I need to find Rosa. I walked to her room and found her coloring on the floor. My Little Pony.

"Rosa can I ask you a question?"

Rosa sat up and nodded her head. I sat next to her and put her in my lap. She snuggled into me. Rosa is a little sister to me now.

"Rosa can you see anything in the future?" I asked. I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if she can. Rosa can already sense when danger is near.


"Have you seen anything?"


"Can you tell me?"

She hesitated. "It has to do with you, Elina."

"What did you see?"

"Well you were mad, very mad. I could almost feel the fury coming form you."

"Why was I mad Rosa?"

"Someone you loved died."

My breath caught. The psychic said that I will have great suffering but will redeem. But depending who it is I don't know if I could recover.

"Do you know who died?" I asked.

"No none of it was clear."

I absently nodded. Maybe she can't see it or I could mess up fate and make everything else worse. I took Rosa of my lap so she can go back to coloring.

"Rosa should I be worried?" I asked

"I don't know sis'. All I can say is that you should be cautious."

"I know. Rosa you want to go out and get some ice cream?"

"Ya that sounds good and yummy."

We left her room and went to mine. I made Matt come along as I wanted hi company more than anything. We got in one of Matt's cars and went to a local ice cream parlor.

"I was talking to Marie about the sign we saw on the side of the house and we figured out that they were symbols put together to make a clan sign. In a conclusion state they want revenge. I guess our plan of getting rid of the threat created a bigger one."

"So there is a battle coming," Matt said.


We pulled up to the ice cream parlor and got out. I already knew what I wanted to get. I just want to relax and forget about my problems. We waited in line when I heard a familiar voice ordering.

"Yes that will be all."


She turned around and gave me my personal fake smile but when she looked at Matt total difference.

"Elina it is so nice to see you."

"Ya I bet it is. Well what are you doing here?" I kinda really want you gone.

"Oh I'm going to a family member funeral." Jack.

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss."

"Sure you are. Besides that tell Marie I'm in town. We could definitely catch up on some more."

"Oh I'm sure you could. And don't worry I will mention it."

She smiled again, grabbed her ice cream and left. I sure the hell will tell Marie who you really are Sophie, but it will not be the nice version. She will not come on to my territory, cause if she does it will be her last time she walks anywhere.

It's about to get real.





Sorry about the late update I've been busy....

Hoped you enjoyed!



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