Chapter 25

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I woke up when the Hummer Limo stopped. What my eyes saw an extraordinary castle. I looked at Matt and saw that his jaw was twitching. I was about to ask what's wrong until the door was opened.

"We are here."

Matt and I stepped out and I breathed in the nice sent of flower that spread out around the front entrance. If I was the Queen I would definitely like to come home to a smell like this. Ason led us inside, I grabbed onto Matt's bicep and whispered to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I don't know."

We followed Ason to a room which could be considered a living room out of probably seven different ones. We sat down on the sofa and waited for the Queen to come greet us. Ason said it wouldn't be long. For the time being I played with Matt's hand while we waited.

The room was spectacular it was like a gold city. Everything shined and it looked golden, there were oranges and browns to bring out the beauty. I could feel Matt's feelings all over the place. As about to speak the door opened to the room.

I never seen the Queen before but I could tell this was her. I stood up just as Matt did. She looked over at me as if sizing me up. I felt a little uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Matt my sweet grand-baby," the Queen said. Wait grand-baby? I looked at Matt with a glare. He couldn't just have told me? Matt made eye contact and then looked away to his grandma. She gave him a kiss on each cheek.

"And you must be Elina Rocker. I've heard many things about you. Originally I only called for you but Matt is always welcomed. But since we have serious business to attend, Matt why won't you go and catch up on some work," the Queen said and made a shooing motion.

Matt looked at me and mind-linked, 'I'll see you after.' I sighed realizing I can't stay mad for ever. 'I love you Matt.'

'Love you to Elina.'

"I wonder what is so secretive that you couldn't say it out loud," the Queen said. I guess we were obvious with mind-linking each other. Matt left the room and the Queen took me to a smaller door and down steps and into a room. The Queen went to the table and had a seat. I took the seat opposite of her.

"There are people after you Elina, very powerful people," the Queen said. I'm confused why is she telling me this?

"Are they from a clan?" I asked.

"No they are my type of powerful. Anyone would do anything for money, power or anything they desire."

I rubbed my palm down my face feeling hopeless and frustrated. I would ask the MoonGoddess why she did this, what her plans were. But she would do what most do, stay silent or give riddles. I felt a tear go down my face and I roughly wiped it away. I stood up quickly not wanting to sit.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked and looked directly into her eyes.

"Your my grandson's mate and I can tell your in serious danger, something worst than anything." The Queen stood and walked to a drawer and pulled out some papers.

"This is the information my people have collected about whoever is against you." She handed me the papers and I sat back down and looked at them. I read the first paper.

-white wolf


-Pack/family died

-kill before awakening

-others related are to be killed

These are basically notes. About me. "You said your people got this information, from who?" I asked.

"I can't say because I don't know. My people got this information written and everything. Plus if we attack now we would be putting a lot of people in danger."

I slammed my hands on the table and watched it shake. "Why me!" I yelled and started breathing hard. I heard the Queen walk over and start rubbing my back. I wish my mom was here or even my family to comfort me, but especially Matt.

"If you ever need to stay any where I'm open for you," the Queen said and started to write things down on a piece of a a paper. "This is my number, call when ever and please call me Carrie."I absently nodded in response.

I look over the paper of the information and realize it said 'kill before awakening.' I stand up straight. "What is the awakening?" I asked. Carrie stopped rubbing my back.

"The awakening is a dreadful thing. And I believe the people think your going to be awakened. The awakening is the good and bad. When the power is unleashed all the good Werewolves in the world would receive something, basically something good in return. The bad usually die or have a living hell. I understand why they would choose you though, your family and pack died but in the end you found your mate. Some one to love and care for you. Happy and sadness."

"Where is your mate?" I asked. I don't know why but it just came out.

"I do not have one."

"What do you mean you have a grandson which results that you have a son."

"Yes I do have a son but I do not have a mate. I wasn't created for one."

"How is that possible?" I asked shocked.

"I was born with the birth mark, a heart on my wrist," Carrie said and showed me. It looked like a perfectly drawn heart.

"But it is a heart which shows the sign of love."

"That's the point, my heart is on my 'sleeve'. Accessible for anyone to take but there isn't anyone with a mate connection for me."


Carrie chuckled. "Don't worry child that doesn't mean I can't love. It just means I won't have a connection as deep as a mate one." I nodded and sighed.

"Carrie I have a feeling that I will be back soon."

"Maybe but no matter what I will help you, okay?"

"Got it."




Hoped you Enjoyed!


Niki <3

Redemption [Completed] Book 1 Of Awakened SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now