Chapter 21

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"You have to stay away from her," I say taking a bite out of my ice cream.

"Why?" Matt asked.

"Just because."


"It's because she is the enemy," Rosa cuts in.

"Is it really that hard to tell me something like that?"Matt asked.

"No it's just that you would have probably go after her and end her then."

"Well you got that right."

After seeing Sophie I realized everything that is happening is real. No one has any input about the clan sign. We don't know who exactly is targeting us, also my future is full of loss and redemption. Maybe I should tell Matt about this. Even though I shouldn't be worried about just me but I don't think I could last if Matt is the one who is killed. The pain I would receive if he died and the crushing of my heart.

"Elina is there something wrong?" Matt asked with my hand in his.

"Why do you think that?"

"Well you are biting on your lip pretty hard."

"Oh I'm fine."

Matt got closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Our connection is strong I know your feelings. We'll talk later."

I nodded and continued to eat my ice cream. I looked out the window and saw couples walking hand in hand. To be human is something special even if life is bad. If you love you can break away without to much hurt. Or your relationship can last long without death threats, depending who you are.

But I'm a Werewolf, a human and wolf. I have a pack and constant threats. Power is all that great when it comes to it. Some say we are blessed for who we are, but it is hard to know that when there is a different life in front of us. Something we want.

Once we were done with our ice cream we left to go back home. Matt rubbed my thigh soothingly. Before this battle comes I promise to do as much as I can to make the most of it cause in the end we come out dead or alive.

Matt went to have a meeting with his Beta and Third in Command while I went to Marie's room.

I opened the door as I'm not accustom to knocking.

"Hi Elina."

"What up Marie?"

"Well same old, hard life and Witch books."

I chuckled and sat next to Marie on her bed. I will tell her and hopefully she will understand or you know side with us.

"Marie I saw Sophie today."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yup but I want you to know that she is dangerous."

"Why would you say that?"

"The leader of the attack we had was Jack Levsona and we killed him. Sophie is related to him and told me she was going to his funeral. I don't if she is specifically part of anything but we don't want to be at a disadvantage."

"I understand what your putting down."

I hope.

"So Marie what have you mastered?" I asked.

"I have mastered some of the gems one though called Crazy Lace Agate it's a Mexican gem protects you from evil and balances out your mental state."

"Sounds cool. Were you able to master that one?"

"No not yet, but sometimes I think it's because I already maybe have evil in me you know, The Grim Reaper."

I gave Marie a side hug. "Well be okay."

I sat with her for couple minutes and then got up. "I should be off, I need to practice with Rosa." I walked out her room and sitting outside the door was Rosa.

"Wanna practice?" She asked.

"Sure." I'm a little use to Rosa's weird abilities. We walked to the backyard, which had little clouds that occasionally blocked out the sun. We went to our usual spot which was basically a empty place in the field. This time Rosa didn't sit down she stood and faced me.

"What is it today?" I asked.


"Well now I'm excited. What do we start with?"

"How about creating a ball of fire?"

I nodded and waited for her to explain. "Fire is heat and your body naturally produces heat. But in a different way you convert your energy and body heat together to create fire. Like this."

Rosa had her palms toward one another and I promise you I saw heat waves in between her hands. Fire then erupted and she had two fire balls, one in each hand.

"Your turn."

I put my hands in the same position and found my center. I pushed my energy to my hands and tried to lower my body heat, letting it flow out. A huge fire ball produced in my hands.

"I can't feel the heat."

"That's because the heat is apart of you."

"Okay then put how do I put it out?"

"What I do is close my hands but since yours is big you have to collect energy then put it out." I nodded in reply.

I felt my body grow warmer and the fire ball was decreasing in size. As soon as the ball was small enough I closed my hand and it was gone. "So cool."

I heard something in thew forest beyond and I'm sure Rosa noticed to. We waited silently for something to pop out. Then a wolf jumped out and I brought up the ground but the wolf turned out the way and landed on it's paws. The it transformed and transformed into a young man. He shifted and still has his clothes on.

"Don't worry I mean no harm, I was sent for you."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm one of you or both of you."

"And what exactly do you want?"

"The MoonGoddess wants us all together a mission is to be completed."

"Do you know what type of mission?"

"Maybe we can talk inside about the matters since speaking in public wouldn't be a safe thing to do."

I looked at him for awhile just debating with my self if I should let him inside. I nodded and walked to the back door. One thing I noticed though is that he got by our security. Must be the powers he posses.

We went to the kitchen and I saw Realyn there. I don't know why she is in the kitchen now it is no where close to dinner. He sat down at on of the chair at the table and relaxed.

"Aye what's your name?" I asked.



I mind-linked Matt. 'We have a visitor.'


'This guy named Roku.'

'On my way.'

I waited for Matt to get here before I start asking questions, Matt needs to be here for this. Realyn brought a bowl of chips and Roku happily took a handful. I took like three as I wasn't in the mood to eat but they were good. Matt walked in the kitchen and I instantly stood up waiting for a reaction.

"Aye my man Roku!"

"What's up Matt!"






Sorry again for the later update I had finals....

Hoped you Enjoyed!


Niki <3

Redemption [Completed] Book 1 Of Awakened SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now