Chapter 19

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Everyone was taken care of after the fight with the rouges. Some took the rouge bodies and put them in a place in the woods. I let Matt rest and checked on the others. Yes we lost only a couple but most were just injured and we able to be treated.

I soon figured out that the other women and children were down in the basement. I guess not everyone made it there. Rosa ran up to me and hugged me.

"Your fine Elina, I could never lose you."

"I'm all right Rosa. Everything is fine it over."

She nodded and I picked her up. I went to the kitchen, planning on helping Realyn prepare food for the wounded or more specifically soup. I set Rosa on the counter and washed my hands.

"So Realyn what can I do to help?" I asked.

"I would appreciate if you could cut the carrots."

"No problem."

I'm happy the threat is gone. I don't have to be as cautious now. I chopped so many vegetables I can't even see colors anymore. I wanted to eat after all the wounded were fed. I went upstairs to read more of the diary Anthony gave me.

Dear Whoever,

It has finally happened. But we are still here, safe and sound. Margaret says I should still beware as something evil is after me, sinister. I had a dream where I was in a nice green field and there was a lonesome tree, showing its wondrous leaves. I ran to it feeling the wind blow through my hair. I almost touched it but the ground started to crumble and the tree fell down the cliff and it leaves ripping off with a force. Everything was then dark. Then a flash of light appeared but quickly went away. I tried to follow but lost my sense of direction. I was alone. I don't know what the dream means but what can I do?

To Live Another Day,


What a weird dream. I'm still lost though what has happened before. She never explained. In the recent entry she said she was in danger, so I'm guessing that's what passed. Is it possible for me to go through the same situation as Jocelyn? If it is true I hope that everything is fine at the end. But if not, what would happen?

I closed the book sharply and set it on the night stand. I kissed Matt on his head as he was still sleeping. I left a note that I was out with Marie and I would be back. I put on my shoes and grabbed a thin coat just in case. I slightly jogged down to Marie's room and knocked. I waited and it felt like forever until she opened the door.

"Yes Luna?"

"Marie you are going to come with me somewhere okay? No questions asked."

Marie nodded and put on her shoes quickly. We swiftly left the house in one of Matt's car. I really had no idea were I was going but I hoped that what I'm looking for will appear. After about ten minutes a palm reading psychic came to view. I'm not one to usually believe but if anything relates I will take it as a sign.

I parked the car and got out. I waited for Marie to follow suit so we could walk in together.

"Why are we here Elina?" Marie asked.

"I just need to know something," I said and walked inside. The place looked like any other psychic reading place like in the movies but I'm guessing it is a soothing manner to not have a bunch of bright lights everywhere.

A lady came from a back room with a smile on her face, trust me it wasn't a creepy one.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

"Can you do a reading on me?" I asked.

"Okay sure. Please sit," She said and gestured to the chairs at the table. She left and then came back and sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Please give me your palm."

She moved her fingers across my palm lightly and her fingertips were soft. She closed her eyes as her hand came still. Her hand moved around my palm, then she gasped.

"Oh darling, there is trouble ahead. You will suffer but will redeem. I believe you are strong enough for you future but will need to be able to accept others. Also someone named D'Marco is here."

Oh my god, that's my brother.

I felt tears go down my face. I don't even know why I really came here for.

"That's my brother."

"I'm sorry for your loss. He wants you to know that they are all in a better place and that they are always watching over you."

I looked down at the table and saw my tears hit the velvet cloth on the table making it a deep red, almost like blood. My future filled with blood.

"That is all I can read right now."

"Thank you," I said and paid her. I knew that was the only way she made a living. I stood up and so did Marie. She didn't say anything the whole time but I guess she didn't have to since it wasn't her reading.

I stopped before I walked out the door and turned around.

"What is your name?" I asked.


I nodded and left. The wind blew quickly like a fresh breathe of air. I got in the car with Marie on the passenger side. I reversed and drove home, stuck on the fact my brother had came out to me.

"Do you believe it Elina?" Marie asked.

"In a way yes, I really do."

"Are you worried?"

"Of course. I have lost before but I redeemed, like she said I will in the future. But I don't want my life to revolve around by lost and hoping to be redeemed. Cause I'm sure that one day it won't."

Marie was silent the rest of the way. We got out and entered the house. I put my stuff down when Rosa came running to me.

"Elina you need to see this!" Rosa eyes looked glassy.

She brought me outside to the back and right when we got outside there laid two warrior wolves, dead with their necks slit open. I went next to the bodies to see if I knew who they were. I sank down to my knees, there is so much...

"Elina look at the house," Rosa whispered.

I turned around and there on the wall were words in blood.

It's not over.

It's not over. It's not over...

At the bottom was a sign. It looked like an upside down eight, one loop larger than the other. On the top were two swirls one on each side, like a curled horn. My future full of blood.

It's not over...





Hoped you enjoyed!


Niki <3

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