Chapter 3

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I woke up but it was still dark out. I looked over to my side to see Matt sleeping peacefully. But why am I awake?

'You need to go out side NOW'

'What is it Angel?'

'The Moon Goddess has a present'

I slowly get from underneaths Matt hold. I missed the warmth desperately. I walked out of our room and headed down stairs and out to the back door. I opened it and felt a cool little breeze.

'Do we have to shift?'


I quickly I ran into the forest and shifted. I landed on the ground softly not wanting to disturb anything. 

'Where do we go?'

'There is a scent we have to follow. I will lead us.'

I let Angel take slight control but only enough were I can still take control easily. Angel crouched down and started to sniff the ground, searching. Her nose the hit the scent and her head went up. She started to run deeper into the forest until she stopped around the tree. She circled it a couple of times but then stopped and started digging. As she dug there was a light blue glow, growing. Finally we saw a necklace with three big crystals, Angel grabbed it and flung it in the air. The necklace easily slipped on her neck, contrasting against our white fur.

'This will help with our powers.'


'Yes. Now lets go back I want my mate.'

'Me too.'

We ran back to the pack house and shifted before we got to the back door. I walked in quietly not making a sound. I looked down expecting to find huge crystals but instead I found smaller ones. It must have adjusted when I shifted. It's so beautiful. 

I got back to our room and slipped under the covers and cuddle up to Matt. He is so warm. I relaxed and then fell back asleep.


 Have you ever been crushed in your sleep? Well Matt is literally on top of me and I'm sufficating.

"Matt get off."

He wouldn't budge. So then I pushed him off of me and watched him fall to the floor.

"Sorry..." I whispered.

I heard him groan and then sit up. "Why did you push me off?" Matt asked.

"You were crushing me," I said and then got out of bed to pick out some clothes for today. "Don't wear anything to nice we're going into the woods today," Matt said.


I picked out a tank-top and a pair of shorts. I went to the bathroom to wash up. Once I came out I saw Matt on the bed waiting. When he saw me his eyes lit up.

What if our mate is scared of us?

He wouldn't he loves us.

"Okay lets go," Matt said and grabbed my hand and pulled me out. We went through the back door to see a clear blue sky. We walked for a couple of minutes, getting deeper into the woods. Matt stopped at a clearing and stepped away to stand in-front of me. He shifted with keeping eye contact the whole time. His wolf is black with white paws. Handsome.

I shifted into my pure white wolf. I felt the necklace get bigger as I shifted. I let Angel take over, she sat down and howled and so did Matt. Afterwards I got close to Matt and licked the side of his face. His tail was wagging with joy. Angel wanted to run so she nodded her head and then took off. I looked back to see Matt coming up to pace with us. We ran for a while jumping over fallen trees and sometimes playfully shoving each other.

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