►| twenty four

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Five ducked the electric blade swinging for her neck

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Five ducked the electric blade swinging for her neck. She lashed out, the tip of her dagger catching the boy's stomach. The thick fabric of his jackets absorbed most of the bite, leaving a trail of frayed threads in its wake. A sharp force stabbed on her spine, forcing her down. An elbow? The nerve. She twisted, grabbing the boy by the arm. Her fingers inched closer to the wall of electric blue sparks. As he wriggled in shock, she brought it down. Her knee shot up.

A distinct crack followed by a concrete howl of pain rang louder than the counter's blare. Five brandished her dagger and aimed for his exposed neck. Her periphery exploded with an unseen force. She pushed the boy away, stumbling back. A wall of swirling energy—unseen but felt—cut in front of her, almost isolating her nose from her face.

She whirled to find Karrel dealing with Seventeen and Eight at the same time. Their abilities, just like the last altercation, seemed to be malfunctioning whenever Karrel focused on them. Five's hands tightened on her daggers. Not on her watch. No one would have to die as long as she was around.

With a raw scream, she dove into the fray. Eight's winds, first a cool draft then later, a crisp slap, kissed her skin and threw her hair in disarray. She slammed straight into Karrel, the latter being too occupied to see her coming. They crashed to the ground, her hold on Seventeen and Eight slipping. Without missing a beat, Caden and Ikerne took over.

A fist swung towards Five's jaw. She took it, catching her fall with her arm and tucking herself to a roll. She whipped to find Karrel's shadow swallowing the sky. Five crossed daggers and slashed outward. Fabric ripped, but Karrel's boots tapped lightly against the grass as she scrambled back. Damned jacket fabric from doing all the work. What were those? Armor?

"Since I've grown fond of you, I'll tell you a secret," Section H's leader said, wiping the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. "I can sense every active ability in this field but yours. Do you know why?"

Karrel spread her arms, and the grass underfoot rustled. A massive gust of wind built up and sped towards Five. She shot up and ran, swerving left and right. Wind was a tricky element. It wouldn't change directions that quickly. Even Eight couldn't manage it, and she has been training with Thirteen longer. Five closed the gap between them, slid under the last blade of wind jutting out of Karrel's panicked swing, and ran her daggers against the taller girl's ankle.

She rolled out of the way before Karrel reached her with a sword or a long-range ability as the leader fell forward. Fourteen's ability was out of reach. Karrel didn't have a gun. "Unfortunately for you," Five said, staggering up and heaving a huge breath. "I don't care."

Karrel clawed at the grass as she struggled to stand up. "Where's your damned medic?" she hissed. "Bring him out."

"I'm amazed you know we have one," Five replied, guarding her face with her blades once more. Before Karrel could reply, Five lunged. The afternoon sun glinted against the sharpened edges of her daggers as she slashed, one after the other. Her hands whizzed in her own periphery, moving on their own calculated accord. Karrel ducked and dodged, fumbling to get a grip of her sword. With every clang, Five sent the leader's hold of her weapon looser.

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