►| twenty one

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Thirteen's finger never left the comms since the counter started

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Thirteen's finger never left the comms since the counter started. He watched from the live feed captured by the pins. The fighting unit was doing a good job with the task. Section R only has five members left, and they have suffered a lot from Section H's barrage at the last counter. Perhaps he'd help alleviate their feelings by offering them the same deal he proposed to the sleeper unit.

"Report status," Thirteen said to the comms, eyeing the clump of active chips on the middle left screen. "Any sign of the hostiles?"

Five's voice crackled through. "Seventeen has minimal damage. Fifteen is lightly injured. Left arm. Projectiles hit her on miscalculation. One is fine. Sixteen is Sixteen."

Even if Karrel tried stabbing the girl a thousand times, Sixteen would survive. But she didn't need to tell them it would hurt. "And you?" Thirteen asked, noticing how she never reported herself. "Still good?"

A scoff. "That's the first time you asked about me, Thirteen," Five replied. "But I'm fine. Two rogues escaped. The rest are dealt with."

"A rundown of abilities?" Thirteen prodded.

"Cloning and Darkness Manipulation," Five replied. Something scuffled in the background, as if her foot brushed against the grass. "They are tough to handle."

Thirteen stored that tidbit at the back of his head. "I see two people at lock fire, east. You think that's them?"

"They couldn't have gotten far, yeah," Five said. "Do we get orders to pursue?"

He shook his head even though he was alone in the command room. "Head back down. Wait for the counter to finish. You've done enough for now," he said. "I'll cover you from here."

Five switched the comms off, the click echoing in his ear with such finality. Thirteen switched links. "Nine," he called. "Mission status?"

"Two hostiles engaged," a scratchy voice bled back through the line. "Metal and Blade."

He checked the screens. Correct. Ikerne, the bladed-arm guy, and Caden were in the stealth unit's vicinity. The rest of Section H were...

"Shit." The curse word flew out of Thirteen's lips before he could stop himself. The line was still open. Nine must have heard it. "Change of plans. Leave Fourteen and Seven. The rest, move to mountain fire, east. Stat. Karrel's coming."

A couple of grunts and similar curses bounced along the soundwaves. "Are we to draw Caden and Ikerne there?" Nine asked through the loud claps of air dappling the line.

"No," Thirteen answered. "Focus on helping the fighter unit. They will follow."

He switched lines and found Fourteen's. "I will count three seconds. At three, cover fire," he said. "Seven will have his orders. Stay where you are until I tell you to move."

"Copy," Fourteen said.

Then, to Seven's line. "Keep Caden busy," Thirteen ordered. "If you can, disable him."

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