►| twenty two

5 0 0

While the counter blared in his ears, he pulled the hood over his head

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While the counter blared in his ears, he pulled the hood over his head. The sun was sweltering, encouraging the sweat on his nape. He looked up at the sky, cursing the weather under his breath and pumping his legs to go faster.

The comms in his left ear fizzed, and Flint's voice speared through his thoughts. "I'm outside Section H's building," he said. "Permission to engage?"

Thirteen checked his watch. Still a few more minutes before the counter finishes. His portable screen showed him what was happening on both fronts. Converging to a point he fixed up beforehand, Karrel had apparently left the rest of her team to deal with the stealth unit to go off the fighting unit on her own. If her records were accurate, she'd be able to take on any of them. Maybe she'd go after Eight for the girl's destructive ability, using it to flay the others. Or maybe she still had scores to settle with One for injuring most of her team for numerous counters. Either way, as long as Five was there, Thirteen would be able to keep her in check.

His boots scratched against the grass in hurried steps, his stride widening. Never mind the heat nor the waterfall down his back. If he couldn't pull this off perfectly, he'd lose Five before he could even say her name.

"Granted," Thirteen said to Flint. "Have Slate ready to meet me at the rails."

Section H's headquarters stood in the middle of a clearing. A ring of thick forest surrounding it, making field attacks virtually impossible. Only Eight, Fifteen, and Sixteen would survive a frontal assault. One, if she decided to burn the entire woods with her hands. Maybe Seventeen, if he developed a way to think about using his ability more effectively overnight.

Seven would be completely useless with the undergrowth exposing every sound he made. Fourteen would have enough trouble to last her a lifetime. Just as Caden's ability relied on him having visual stimulation, Fourteen's accurate aim involves having something to shoot at that wouldn't defy natural laws. An annoying limitation, considering most of the abilities here defied foundational laws and messed up with his calculations so much he just gave up. Now, he just played by ear, and so far no one died because he was wrong.

But that statistic could change today if he didn't hurry the hell up.

His steps lengthened into brisk walking before quickening to a full-fledged run. By the time he punched through the dense foliage, his chest felt like exploding and his breath lagged a full thirty cycles behind. He had to brace his knees and throw his hood off just to get some air circulating in his system. A shadow fell over him. He looked up to see Slate towering over him.

"Well, aren't you pathetic," the girl had the gall to say. He considered whipping his gun and shooting her point blank. That wasn't a productive move. "You can't even last that far?"

"Section H is across the city," Thirteen responded, straightening even though his side truly wanted to twist his body into julienned strips. "I am not the best at sports."

TGT 1: Let the Game BeginDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora