Chapter 17 part 1

Start from the beginning

"For the record, I had nothing to do with it" Matias stated, his voice flat.

He didn't bother looking back up at the nurse. He knew he'd only be met by a shocked expression, thinking he was a liar but too scared of him to say anything about it.

"Whenever there is any chance at all for us to step in, please let us know as soon as possible" the officer spoke up, easing the tension.

He tried to usher Matias to the back of the waiting room, but Matias didn't budge. His gaze was still roaming through the room full of people and the ambulance that had just arrived just outside the hospital.

"They can't take off the mask" he muttered under his breath.

Samuel had more to lose than Matias did. Matias could live with his face being exposed. He didn't have any family and the only thing on the line was his job at the coffee shop.

Samuel, on the other hand, had way too much to lose. He has a daughter who has no clue about any of this. He has relatives, even if they live elsewhere. He would be putting his whole life at risk by showing his face.

"Sorry?" The officer asked, urging Matias to repeat himself

"They can't take that mask off of his face" he repeated. It wasn't exactly what he meant, but the point got across

"If he's passed out then they must take his mask off, for health and safety reasons" the nurse added, her voice quivering.

She took a small step back and braced herself a little when Matias looked at her.

"Then nobody in there should be able to have a phone or anything like that. No cameras" He continued on, getting worked up.

He felt himself get lightheaded for a moment, but ignored it.

"Doctors are allowed to have their phones. It's for safety reasons" the nurse whispered back.

Her voice was incredibly quiet and it was shocking that she was still standing with how much she was shaking. She was truly terrified. She was terrified of Matias, and she didn't care how much he was trying to help.

The had to take a few long breaths before he could continue. He knew people had a right to be scared, but it really did piss him off.

"If his face gets recorded or posted anywhere you have no idea how many problems that will cause" Matias persisted

It was just then that multiple people were wheeled through the door, some on beds and others in wheelchairs. Matias and the officer were pushed to the side as another officer came up and explained the people and injuries to the already terrified nurse.

The bald police man stared at the scene before him, almost a bit mesmerized. If he hadn't seen all the bodies already Matias probably would've been the same.

But it's good he wasn't.

The officer had let go of the handcuffs and wasn't even looking in Matias's direction anymore. If Matias wanted to get to Samuel, now was his chance.

There was a sign in the corner of the room that read "emergency floor" and had multiple different sets of numbers. The one that caught his eye though was the one that had 'rooms: 50-100'.

Matias glanced back at the busy nurses once more and double checked to assure that the bald man wouldn't see him inching away. And the he left.

He didn't run, he didn't even walk with urgency. If people became alarmed they'd scream, and if they thought he was attacking he'd for sure get arrested.

So instead he walked, only as fast as he could, to the sign and into the wide hallway. It was truly a miracle that none of the officers or nurses saw him and none of the people staring at him mentioned anything.

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