The Dinner and a revelation

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Glynda, Weiss, and YN arrive at the main entrance to Schnee Manor and exit their limousine.

Glynda: It's such a large place, and grand too.

Weiss: It has been in the family for several generations.

YN: Designed by the architect, Albert Von Kellerman, his great grandfather, Albrecht Von Kellerman, designed my manor.

Weiss: I knew Albert designed our manor, but I didn't know that Albrecht designed yours?

YN: I knew him to be honest, I went to the Army college of Engineers with him.

Weiss: Which Kellerman?

YN: Albert, he was always drawing diagrams and blueprints in his notebook.

Weiss: You went to college with Albert Von Kellerman?

YN: I was studying with the Army college of Engineers to get my degree in architecture, and

Glynda: You have a degree in architecture?

YN: Yes.

Glynda: Have you done anything with it?

YN: I designed the Vale Police Department Building.

Glynda: (Stares)

YN: Anyway, I was studying with the Army college of Engineers to get my degree in architecture, and I met Albert. He joined up at the behest of his father who wanted him to pursue a military career in the hopes that it would enable him to get government contracts later down the line. And while he didn't get those contracts immediately, the contacts he made while in service certainly helped.

Weiss: You have to to tell us more!

YN: Later, maybe over dinner, now let us go inside.

The three of them then approach the main entrance and when they are about ten feet from the door, a footman opens the door for them and they are greeted by a maid.

Maid: Heiress, Sir, Ma'am, welcome to Schnee Manor. I have been instructed to direct you to the main parlor, but before that, may I relieve you of your coats?

Glynda: Thank you

Weiss: Here you go.

YN: Thanks, oh be careful, there's a pistol in the interior pocket.

YN then takes the pistol out of the coat pocket and puts it in the interior jacket pocket.

Weiss: Why do you have a gun on you?

YN: One should always be prepared for any eventuality.

Weiss: But still.

Glynda: Normal people don't bring guns to their friends houses when going for dinner.

YN: Still, I feel a bit naked without it.

Glynda: I get that.

The maid then puts the coats in a cloakroom and guides them to the main parlor. She then opens the door and announces that they arrived.

Willow: Ah YN, how wonderful it is to see you again!

Winter: Weiss.

Weiss: Winter.

Whitley: Hello sister, it has been a long time.

Weiss: Yes it has (in head) Not long enough.

Jacques: So you're the Mr. LN that I've heard so much about.

YN: Colonel LN, but please, call me YN.

Jacques: Colonel, isn't that a bit pretentious?

YN: Me calling myself Colonel isn't just for show, it is my rank, I served in the armed forces of Vale and I have yet to be discharged, so I am still Colonel LN.

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