A pleasant journey, part 2 & 3

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Because it's been a while, you are getting two chapters in one!

Coco and Velvet finished packing their bags, Johanas' leash, and some dog treats. And are now heading over to the train station and go over to the ticket office.

Coco: Hi, we'd like two tickets in a first class sleeper car to Silver Valley!

Station worker: Sure, that'll be eight hundred lien.

Velvet: Coco, can I speak with you for a second.

Coco: Sure.

Velvet: We can't spend that much money!

Coco: it's YN's money.

Velvet: Yeah, that's why we can't spend that much.

Coco then pulls out her phone and calls YN

YN: Hello Coco, what seems to be the matter?

Coco: Velvet feels bad spending eight hundred lien on a train ticket.

Velvet: I mean, you said we could travel first class, but I'd feel bad if we did.

YN: Velvet: Don't feel bad, but because you demonstrated such care for my financial well-being, I'll look out for yours. I'm upping your pay to two thousand lien for delivering Johanas.

Velvet: W-What? Thanks so much!

YN: No problem. By the way, don't worry about cost on this train ride, the two of you are doing me a big favor by bringing me Johanas, so don't feel bad about splurging on a room and food.

Coco: Thanks so much YN, see you tomorrow!

YN: Bye for now.

Station worker: So will you be taking the first class sleeper car?

Coco: We sure will! What does it come with?

Station worker: It comes with a complementary mini bar and access to the first class dining car, however we do have room service that I can heartily recommend. You will also have access to the first class relaxation car, that will be beneficial for your dog.

Velvet: He is a good boy, his name is Johanas.

Coco: What does the mini bar include?

Station worker: Two bottles of wine, two of champagne, two of scotch, and a few bottles of whiskey and bourbon.

Coco: Is it the good stuff?

Station worker: It's the GOOD stuff.

Velvet: Wonderful!

The two, along with Johanas, then board the train and find their room.

Coco: I never thought you'd be so glad about the good alcohol, I didn't know you drank?

Velvet: I don't really, but YN does, and he enjoys the finer things in life, so we're not going to drink all of this, one bottle of champagne, wine, bourbon, scotch, and whiskey goes to YN as a thanks for this.

Coco: But we can drink the rest, right? Because this is some good scotch, its twenty years old!

Velvet: Twenty years? Pour me a glass and let's order some room service!

Coco: Good idea, lobster?

Johanas barks

Velvet: Lobster and a steak.

Johanas then perks up and sits at Velvet's feet.

Velvet: We don't have it yet, we need to order it.

At that moment a voice comes over the intercom.

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