Buying a ranch

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YN is driving a car with the realtor.

YN: So, fifteen thousand acres.

Realtor: Yup, and at the stroke of a pen, it'll all be yours.

YN: Well, that's a 200,000,000 lien signature, I'd like to see what I'm buying before I sign anything.

Realtor: Now I wouldn't expect you to buy it sight unseen, that's why we've been on the road for five hours.

YN: Speaking of which, how much longer till we get to the property? This is beautiful county but I'd like to see the property.

Realtor: Technically we've been on the property for five minutes, it'll be another five before we see the house.

YN: Well, I'm glad to know that I'd be buying such a beautiful plot of land.

The two keep talking and then they see the house

The two keep talking and then they see the house

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YN: A beautiful property. Why is it so cheap?

Realtor: The family who owned it before went under in the financial crisis a few months back, their property was repossessed by the local bank, but the bank is going under and they need to sell it quickly.

YN: Is the bank looking to sell any more?

Realtor: I'm not sure, I'd have to ask.

The two are then toured through the property by the broker.

Realtor: Thirty rooms, five bedrooms, eight bathrooms. And near the house there is a stable for ten horses and a workshop. Just what is wanted by the rancher to be.

YN: The capacity for ten horses seems low for a ranch.

Broker: Don't worry sir, there's a top of the line stables with capacity for thirty horses nearby.

YN: I was in the cavalry for eighty years, one of the most important things to me is horses and horse care. Can I see the stables?

Broker: Sure.

They then head over to the stables and YN is truly impressed

YN: I've never seen stables this grand, I mean, these stables even have a chandelier and a lounge

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YN: I've never seen stables this grand, I mean, these stables even have a chandelier and a lounge.

Broker: They are in case you want to bond better with your horses. And don't worry, the other stables are just like this one.

YN: I've always found that the best way to bond with a horse is to share a blanket and to water them from your hands or hat. I even gave my first horse the last of my rations during a campaign. But anyhow, the stables are fit for purpose, the house is large enough for my family and it has enough room for guests. But now for the real question, how much money could this property generate?

Broker: Currently it generates a million lien a year, however it is not operating at its peak efficiency and the profits could grow exponentially.

YN: Well, with all being said and done, I'm willing to enter negotiations to purchase the property.

Broker: Brilliant, I can get my client on the phone right now.

YN sits down and calls the bank who is selling the property. They go through all of the formalities and then they start on the price.

YN: 200,000,000 is a huge amount of money.

Banker: But I assure you, it is worth every cent.

YN: But both you and I know that 120,000,000 within a week is worth more than 200,000,000 over twenty or thirty years. Especially to a bank in peril.

Banker: It is, but could you get us the money that quickly?

YN: If you agree to that price I can get you the money before Friday.

Banker: Would you mind waiting for a minute or two, I need to speak with my manager.

YN waits for a few minutes and the banker gets back to him.

Banker: Would you do 125,000,000?

YN: I could do 125,000,000 but the furnishings and fittings must come with the house.

Banker: I can make that happen.

YN: Wonderful, I'll sign the contract and I'll send you the money this evening. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

YN then hangs up the phone and turns to the realtor.

YN: My friend, you, at the five percent commission, have just earned six and a quarter million lien, congratulations.

YN then goes onto the drive and calls Glynda.

YN: Honey, I've bought a ranch!

Glynda: How much did you spend?

YN: You know that fifteen thousand acre one.

Glynda: (inhales) The one that costs 200,000,000 lien?! (Ruby faints in the background)

YN: Don't worry, I got a great deal on it!

Glynda: How much did you spend?

YN: Only 125,000,000 lien, a savings of 75,000,000 lien!

Glynda: How can you be so casual with such large amounts of money?

YN: Because I know I'll get it back and then some.

Glynda: Well, I know you'll figure it out.

YN: I probably will, but anyhow, I should be coming home tonight as I was able to get my business done sooner than I expected.

Glynda: Ok, I'll see you soon then.

YN: Love you.

Glynda: Love you too.

They then hang up and YN turns to the broker and realtor.

YN: Well gentlemen, I'm glad this worked out to our mutual benefit, once everything is up and running I most cordially invite you for dinner at my new ranch.

Realtor: Thanks, I'll take you up on the offer.

Broker: Likewise.

YN: Oh, I've got a question, do either of you know a land agent to help me run the property?

Broker: I might know one or two, let me see what I can do.

YN: Well, you have my number, I'm heading home and, well, I miss my dog.

Realtor: And your wife?

YN: I can't walk her in public, in private we both like it, but in public that's just weird.

The three men then stare at each other.

YN: Oh . . . I probably shouldn't have said that aloud.  But yes, I am looking forward to seeing her too.

And with an awkward silence, YN gets into his car and drives home.

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